Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeNewsHow to get involved at new Kirkstall Valley Farm

How to get involved at new Kirkstall Valley Farm

Work is continuing among volunteers getting the new community led Kirkstall Valley Farm up and running. Land group lead Jenny Lawrence has the latest details…

Things got a bit hot in there stringing up tomatoes, and then planting out cucumbers, and squash plants.

Good to have a few more of us working on the veg plot.

As we can now accommodate up to six volunteers, please let me know if you would be interested to come down and help. We do need to be careful about numbers so this needs to be by arrangement rather than just turning up.

Please e-mail me if you would like to come and say when and an idea of how often (every week, fortnightly, once a month?)
I will be down there on:

  • Monday morning ( 9.30 -12.00)
  • Monday Afternoon ( 1.30 – 4.00)
  • Alternate Wednesday afternoons from 24 June.

The things we are likely to be working on are;

  • Monday morning: poly-tunnel work & social area.
  • Monday afternoon: Veg plot
  • Wednesday Afternoon: Veg plot / composting

Yes, composting… I wanted to trial some windrow composting, for rapid composting to produce a wonderful mix for the polytunnel crops next year.

Social distancing measures are in place. If you are able to come down you will be asked to complete, sign and return safety and volunteer contact forms beforehand.

Many thanks. and look forward to meeting a few more of you some time soon.

  • Jenny Lawrence (Land Group Lead) –


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