Green light for longer opening hours at Swinnow Morrisons petrol station

Longer opening: Swinnow Morrisons petrol station. Photo: Google

Morrisons have successfully applied to extend the opening hours of the petrol station at its Swinnow store.

The Bradford-based supermarket has previously been able to open the station, situated off Swinnow Road, from 7am to 10pm daily.

Under the new proposals, approved by Leeds council this week, the petrol station will open from 6am to 11pm – an extra two hours a day. The plans can be viewed here.

A separate planning application to extend the opening hours of the store is yet to be decided by council planners. This would extend opening by two hours in the morning, and one hour in the evenings, to 6am to 11pm. The plans can be viewed here.


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