Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeNewsGet active and beat the blues at Kirkstall Valley Farm

Get active and beat the blues at Kirkstall Valley Farm

By Jenny Lawrence

Another grey day in February is enough to make most of us feel a bit despondent and lacking in energy for life.

But getting outside, even on a grey day, can boost our mood. If you throw in the chance to chat and have some exercise, and to feel part of a team tackling a task, then you have a recipe to bust those blues and lift your mood.

This was the theme for the recent open Saturday down at Kirkstall Valley Farm. Many people who had never been to the farm before, as well as some of the harvest share members (who have a weekly box of veg ), came down to lend a hand with planting out broad bean plants in one of the polytunnels.

This was followed by a ‘Walk and Talk’ tour led by Rhian, one of the paid growers at the farm, to look at all the different vegetables that are growing both in the field and in the polytunnels.

Rhian talked about the salad crops growing in the tunnels in January A delicious ‘Bring and Share Lunch’ was on offer for all to wrap up the day in style.

  • For more information about the regular volunteer opportunities at the farm, or about the weekly veg boxes, contact Jen – the administrator – via e-mail on

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