Pudsey school celebrates ‘successful’ A-Level results

fulneck school exam results

Sixth Form students at Fulneck School in Pudsey are celebrating another successful year of results.

The independent school says 79 per cent of students achieved an A* – C grade at A level or equivalent, with 52 per cent of students achieving A* to B grades.

84% of students secured places at their first or second choice universities.

Jason Tsang was the school’s top performer gaining A* grades in Maths and Further Maths, grade A in Physics and grade B in Chinese. Jason has accepted a place at Warwick University to study Maths, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics.

Fulneck School principal Deborah Newman said:

“We are thrilled with this year’s A Level results; they are a credit to the hard work of our students and the extremely dedicated teaching staff

“It is wonderful news that such a high percentage of our pupils have secured places in their first or second choice university, which include many in the Russell Group – I could not be more proud.

“As I head for retirement at the end of this month, I am delighted to see this fantastic group of young people move on to the next stage of their education, securing places in top universities – this is what makes teaching so worthwhile.”


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