From dog haven to fun place – having a playful time in Charlie Cake Park


A band of local residents have helped turn a west Leeds park from a dog haven to a place where people of all ages are playing out together.

Over the summer holidays Playbox, run by Armley resident Emma Bearman, has been beavering away in a 20ft shipping container to run a number of summer activities aimed at encouraging children – and adults – to play in Charlie Cake Park.

Dog Log @playbox01 from Playful Leeds on Vimeo.

Charlie Cake Park is owned by the people of Armley and maintained by the Armley Common Right Trust group.

Mum of two Emma Bearman said:

“Along with the people in the park we’ve seen a change from the park being a haven for dog walkers to a place where people of all ages are playing out together. We’re really proud to have played our part in supporting this wonderful transformation.”

Free activities have included a ‘Lark in the Charlie Cake Park BBQ’ and musical mayhem from 6-8pm every Friday, art clubs for kids on Monday mornings and adults in the evening,  baby raves and a host of other fun – and free – community events.

But activities don’t stop once the school holidays end!

Future events include:

  • On 20th September there’s a ‘magical mystery’ event in Charlie Cake Park, starting 6pm
  • On 22nd September Emma and company are hosting a final party ‘Cha Cha Cha Charlie Cake Park’ between 12pm-4pm.

All free activities thanks to support from the council’s Inner West Area Committee.

Emma said that she’s crowdfunding to take the prototype Playbox project ‘to the next level’, and to other parts of Leeds. Click here to support Playbox. As previously reported, the appeal has already passed the £1,000 mark.

Ben & Playbox from Playful Leeds on Vimeo.

The Dispatch featured Charlie Cake Park and its history (and future) last month.



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