Here’s who is standing in the 2019 Leeds local elections in Farnley and Wortley Ward.
Each candidate has been offered a 250-word profile.
There is one vacancy for a councillor.
FORSAITH Ann Christine (Address in Leeds) Green Party
Hello everyone. I am standing in the local elections as I have the commitment, time and passion needed to work for the residents of Farnley and Wortley.
As a Green Party member, community and environmental concerns are at the top of my agenda. I am a mother of four grown up children, I was a secondary science teacher and a school governor, and I have been very involved in community activity for many years.
I have been fortunate to have been able to spend an increasing amount of my time supporting our two Green councillors, Ann and David Blackburn, in their work throughout the ward.
I have met many local residents and taken up their concerns on different issues ranging the safety of play equipment, to speeding on our roads and flytipping.
I have also heard many reports of work undertaken by unsung heroes in our community. Such stories inspire me to do more to help others myself and work harder to build strong communities.
Whilst there are financial constraints within the council due to the reduction in funding from central Government, the decisions of Leeds City Council must still be scrutinised. We need to elect councillors who are prepared to challenge this Labour led Council. I have the ability, knowledge and experience to do that.
My pledge to you, if elected, is to work hard to improve our ward for as many of the residents as possible.
FRANK Maria Anne (Address in Leeds) Liberal Democrats
I was born in Leeds West, moved back to Leeds 11 years ago and Leeds West six years ago. In that time I have taught at high schools in Leeds, worked with a highly successful mentoring scheme for unemployed people, tutored children in care and am an active part of scouting community in Leeds.
Liberal values of liberty, equality and community are something I hold dear and believe all people should share the same basic rights.
Serving on the council would enable me to help promote those values, in particular a sense of community. Building a strong sense of togetherness is important for several reasons such as Brexit at national level and local factors such as the lack of district centres in New Farnley and Wortley.
We need more community spaces that bring people together in New Farnley and must stop development at the TV Harrison ground.
The TV Harrison ground should be used in creating a green safe space for children to play and be active. This is vital when we have so much terraced housing with little to no gardens in the area.
There have been several smaller housing developments across the district but no real planning of other provision such as schools and medical centres.
Nor has there been sufficient provision for social housing as part of these developments, unlike new developments in North East Leeds. If I am elected I will promote the planning of the infrastructure needed to support growing local communities.
GIBSON Matt, 23 Cliffe Park Drive, Wortley, Leeds, LS12 4XG Labour Party
I was honoured to be elected as your councillor last year. As a local resident who lives on Cliffe Park Drive in Wortley, I’m proud to represent our ward. Some of my achievements since being elected include:
- A school crossing patrol set up outside Lawns Park Primary School and Farnley Academy
- Full resurface of Green Hill Lane in Wortley
- Community fun day in Farnley that will return this summer
- Funded a defibrillator for New Farnley Community Centre
- Yorkshire Water’s commitment to remove 100 tonnes of silt from Farnley Reservoir
- Tackling industrial pollution affecting residents on Whitehall Road in Wortley
If re-elected I will:
- Pursue ways to alleviate parking congestion in Wortley on Leeds United matchdays
- Organise a Christmas lights switch on
- Fight for more sports facilities and playing field provision in our ward
- Push for funding for CCTV to be installed to help police reduce crime on Heights Drive
- Work to make Farnley Fish Pond more family friendly and suitable for fishing again
- Purchase a speed indicator device for Whitehall Road
- Fight for more community defibrillators in our ward
- Keep New Farnley residents informed about the Redrow development and do everything I can to try and stop it
I feel I’ve achieved a lot in less than a year. Now, with 12 months’ experience, I’m hungry to get more things done over the next four years if you’d be kind enough to give me that opportunity.
NANCOLAS Hayley Laura (Address in Leeds) The Conservative Party Candidate
No submission.
WOODS Patrick Thomas (Address in Leeds) United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
My name is Patrick Woods and I am proud to be standing as the UKIP candidate for Farnley & Wortley ward.
A married, family man, I have lived here for 10 years and am passionate about making a difference locally, given the current political climate. As a new candidate, I plan to wind down other work commitments to focus on local politics and fulfil the diverse needs of our ward.
If elected, I intend to combat the rise in burglary, anti-social behaviour and vandalism within our ward – in fact, this is a key issue I am standing on.
One of the most significant problems for our ward has been that immigrants from the European Union have enjoyed access to local social housing on the same basis as local British citizens. Post Brexit, UKIP have pledged to end this; I will be influential in promoting this policy.
In council, I will fight for a reduction of the senior officer’s tax-payer funded, overblown salaries There are 15 senior officers on over £100k and 7 of them on over £140k, with the most well paid on just over £176,000! This is not value for money for the tax payers of our ward.
My ambition is to build close ties with our local community and to strive to make all your voices heard!
I am therefore asking you for the opportunity to serve as our ward councillor and pledge to follow through on my commitments to you.
Let’s make Farnley & Wortley great again!
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