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HomeNewsEuropean election candidates revealed for Yorkshire & The Humber

European election candidates revealed for Yorkshire & The Humber

A list of candidates has been announced for the European Parliamentary elections which are set to go ahead on Thursday 23 May, unless a deal on Brexit is concluded before then.

The European Parliamentary elections are run on a proportional representation system.

We will be electing six MEPs to represent Yorkshire & The Humber. You will have one vote which you give to one of the parties standing. Each party lists up to six candidates in order, seats are allocated according to the percentage of the vote that each party gets. We currently have two Ukip, two Conservative and two Labour MEPs.

To vote you must be registered on the electoral roll. The deadline for registration for the European election is Tuesday 6 May 2019 (the deadline for registering for the Leeds City Council election on 2 May has already passed). To register, go to If you are an EU national you can choose to vote here in the UK or in your “home” country.

The full list of candidates is:

Change UK – The Independent Group

Diana Paulette Wallis
Juliet Lodge
Sophia Bow
Joshua Paul Malkin
Rosanne Clare McMullen
Steven Wilson

Conservative and Unionist Party

John Michael Procter
Amjad Bashir
Michael James Naughton
Andrew Lee
Matthew Graham Freckleton
Sue Pascoe

English Democrats

David Stewart Allen
Tony Stewart Allen
Joanne Allen
Fiona Allen

Green Party

Magid Magid
Alison Clare Teal
Andrew Varah Cooper
Louise Houghton
Lars Martin Kramm
Ann Christine Forsaith

Labour Party

Richard Graham Corbett
Eloise Karen Todd
Mohammed Jawad Afzal Khan
Jayne Marie Allport
Martin Trevor Mayer
Alison Louise Hume

Liberal Democrats

Shaffaq Mohammed
Rosina Jane Robson
James Christopher Blanchard
Sophie Jane Thornton
James Douglas Baker
Ruth Christine Coleman-Taylor

The Brexit Party

John Longworth
Lucy Elizabeth Harris
Jake Pugh
James Rupert Heartfield
Andrew Allison
Christopher Barker

The Yorkshire Party

Chris Whitwood
Mike Jordan
Jack Carrington
Laura Marie Walker
Bob Buxton
Dan Cochran

UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Mike Hookem
Gary Colin Shores
John Robert Hancock
David Alan Dews
Graham Boyd Waddicar
Clifford Parson


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