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HomeNewsCouncil gives green light for new practice nets at Rodley Cricket Club

Council gives green light for new practice nets at Rodley Cricket Club

Plans for an artificial practice net facility and fencing at Rodley Cricket Club have been given the green light by Leeds City Council planners.

Chairman Steven Bradbury said the proposals would enhance playing and practice facilities available for cricketers aged from five years old into their 50s.

The proposed site is to the south of the sports ground and protected by trees and shrubbery. In a planning statement accompanying the planning application to Leeds City Council. Mr Bradbury said:

“The requirement for artificial practice facilities away from the main cricket playing surface arises from the substantial increase in junior and senior members in recent years which has substantially increased the number of fixtures hosted and players desiring to practice.”

The area will include a concrete base and artificial grass at the site, off Moss Bridge Road.

A planning officer’s report approving the application said:

“The proposal is not considered to have a significant detrimental impact up on the Green Belt whilst preserving openness and visual amenity. The proposal is considered to comply with both national and local planning policy and thus the application is approved.”

The plans can be viewed in full here.


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