Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsBurley: Church centre nets new computer thanks to donation

Burley: Church centre nets new computer thanks to donation

A Burley church and community centre had its prayers answered when they received a brand new computer, courtesy of a local estate agent.

The Headingley branch of Manning Stainton supplied St Matthias Church in Burley with the new equipment after their existing computer blew up and stopped working.

Church Warden Brian Taylor said:

“Being without a computer was a real problem as it made it difficult to manage all the administration tasks associated with the church and the community centre efficiently. Now, thanks to Manning Stainton coming to our rescue so willingly, we are back up and running.”

St Matthias Church is very active within the local community providing both a religious and social hub for a large number of people. In addition to regular services the church runs a weekly luncheon club for the elderly. It also provides afternoon teas and soup and a roll once a week for anyone who drops in, whether they are a member of the congregation or not.

The centre is also used by the Brownies, and a club called ‘Ablaze’ takes place once a month for children and young people aged between 6 and 12.

Stevie Sawiuk, Manager of the Manning Stainton branch on Otley Road in Headingley, said:

“The church does lots of amazing work in the local area. This is very much in line with our own strong community values which is why we had no hesitation in providing them with a new computer.”

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