A sustainable development in Bramley has recently been completed, adding more homes to Leeds City Council’s housing stock.
Council new-build partner Kier handed over 23 new homes on the Broadlea estate in Bramley – with the final property due to be handed over shortly.

A total of 23 two and three bed properties are being let to applicants on Leeds Housing Register.
To help tenants reduce their fuel bills and limit their impact on the environment, the properties benefit from energy efficient glazing and high levels of insulation.
Cllr Debra Coupar, executive member for communities, said:
“This is another example of how we are working with partners to ensure Leeds housing stock incorporates quality design and flexible space.
“These homes are a benchmark for high standards and sustainability in new housing.”
Each property on the Broadleas scheme benefits from:
- Energy efficient glazing
- Gas central heating
- Modern kitchen, compatible for gas or electric
- Overhead bath shower
- Energy efficient hot water, heating and ventilations systems
- Vehicle charging point
- Off-street parking
- Enclosed garden area
- Garden shed
- Solar panels
An empty property scheme completed this March has also returned over 100 empty properties back into use across the city.
I wonder how many drivers will park in their drives?
Yep they look really pretty at the front for the suits to see but some of us are still waiting for the back garden to be done. Can’t even have my son in the back garden. Pay quite a lot of money for these and no where for children to play. Garden needs to be done tomorrow. Nevermind the garden where no one lives yet