Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeNewsBramley: Housing plan for Broad Lane petrol station site

Bramley: Housing plan for Broad Lane petrol station site

An eyesore on the site of a former petrol station in Bramley could be transformed into eight houses if planning permission is granted.

Plans for mixture of two and three bedrooms with car parking have vbeen submitted for the site, which has been empty since the petrol station was demolished in 2001.

A planning statement submitted by the developers says that the site is jointly owned by Leeds City Council and Malthurst Petroleum Limited – and that the dual ownership ‘had led to a delay in the site coming to market’. The report adds:

“Following a period of tender to the open market, C W Langton Developments have been selected as the preferred developer.”

The planning statement concludes:

“The proposed development will see the enhancement of an brownfield, derelict site which will be brought back into much needed new houses for the Bramley area, significantly improving the local street scene.”

The plans can be viewed in full here.

Ganners Road garages

Meanwhile, Leeds City Council has approved the demolition of derelict garages at the back of Ganners Road in Bramley. A council report says the garages have become a magnet for anti-social behaviour.

The site will be developed for affordable housing.


  1. I have been wondering about that site for ages. I wondered if it was the underground petrol tanks that were a problem.

    It is nice to see it finally getting some use as it is a waste of space as a piece of derelict land.


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