Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEventsHelp shape the future of Bramley Baths

Help shape the future of Bramley Baths

Just say the words ‘annual general meeting’ and you might think about a stale room full of middle-aged blokes talking about finances, committees and votes.

But Bramley Baths’ AGMs aren’t like that!

They’re fun, they’re engaging – and they give YOU a real chance to help shape the future of Bramley Baths.

sue stones Bramley baths
Bramley Baths CEO Sue Stones

Baths CEO Sue Stones said:

“Come to the AGM to have a say on official business and hear news and updates about your Bramley Baths. Get involved and ask questions!

“As an added bonus, there’s even tea and cake and a friendly natter amongst friends afterwards.”

The AGM is held on Tuesday, September 18 at 7pm. All welcome.


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