A not-for-profit organisation is hoping to help tackle crime in Armley and Bramley town centres and Kirkstall Bridge Retail Park.
Business Against Crime in Leeds (BACIL) has been working with city-centre businesses for the last 11 years, including retailers, bars and nightclubs, to make Leeds a safer place for people to work, shop and enjoy.
The crime prevention partnership has expanded to cover not only the city centre but also many popular out-of-town shopping destinations including Birstall, Colton and Crown Point Retail Park.
Members pay a £10 weekly subscription for a two-way digital radio connecting them to more than 350 venues across Leeds, Street Outreach, Youth Leeds Watch, PCSO’s and city centre liaison officers.
BACIL manager Sean Walker said some areas of expansion, such as Armley Town Street, are known hot-spots for crime and anti-social behaviour. He said:
“The decision to expand our operation outside of the city centre comes in response to lots of business forums and asset managers asking us for support in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.
“We have given all the stores signing up their own two-way radios and handheld tablets which link them directly to each other, to their park’s security team and to West Yorkshire Police. This enables them to share real-time updates on any suspicious activity in their area and to access photographs and information about known offenders to be aware of.”
BACIL is a partnership made up of Leeds City Council, West Yorkshire Police, Safer Leeds and over 350 businesses throughout the Leeds day and night time economy – including retailers, bars and nightclubs.
The organisation was set up in 2006 to protect businesses in Leeds and make the city a safer place for shoppers and staff.