Armley: Chance to discuss community-led housing plans at meeting

The site of the community-led housing development in Mistress Lane

Armley residents can have their say on ambitious plans for a community-led housing development at an event.

Leeds Community Homes is looking to bring forward a new development on disused land on Mistress Lane in Armley, providing affordable homes for local people.

There will be an event to discuss the proposals, which are still at an early stage, at Interplay Theatre on Armley Ridge Road at 6.30pm on Wednesday, 19th September.

Development director Jim Rugg said;

“This is a chance to find out more about Leeds Community Homes – and the initial work we’ve done to see if we could create affordable housing in Armley.

“There’ll be plenty of time to ask questions – and we’re also hopeful that some of you will choose to get more involved in what we’re doing.”

Leeds Community Homes is a Community Land Trust – a not-for-profit organisation that uses people power to create homes that people can afford to buy or rent. The organisation recently raised £360,000 from people across Leeds to put towards its first 16 homes in the centre of Leeds.

The Dispatch first reported on the Mistress Lane development back in June.


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