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HomeNewsAbbey Inn packed for WLD quiz night and Newlay community meeting

Abbey Inn packed for WLD quiz night and Newlay community meeting

More than 30 people packed into the Abbey Inn last night for a community meeting and quiz.

The Newlay and Whitecote Residents’ Association (NAWRA) held one of their regular community meetings. Chair Roland Cross informed people of latest events planned for the area, including a community garden dig on June 1 and a Great Get Together and event celebrating 200 years of Newlay Bridge on Saturday, June 22.

West Leeds Dispatch editor John Baron was guest speaker.

He spoke about how WLD aimed to better connect people with what’s happening in their communities. He encouraged people to take part in the ongoing community reporter training courses, which aim to empower people to contribute to WLD.

The first course at Bramley Lawn is due to finish tonight, while a second starting in Armley in a few weeks is already sold out. Community reporter Mike Clifton, from Pudsey, also spoke about the course.

WLD will be running a further four courses between now and the end of the year, so keep your eyes peeled!

The meeting was followed by a fun community quiz organised by Jill Stocks. £31 was raised towards sustaining community-led journalism in West Leeds.

WLD would like to thank Roland and NAWRA for their kind invitation and for everyone’s generosity and support on the evening.


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Over to you …


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