Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsCalverley: Air conditioning units get planning permission, despite noise concerns

Calverley: Air conditioning units get planning permission, despite noise concerns

Retrospective plans to relocate eight air conditioning units to a lower level at Holly Park Mills in Calverley have been approved by Leeds council planners – despite two local objections over noise.

Holly Banks Mills is a collection of converted textiles mills which are now used for offices, and the proposals – which have been submitted retrospectively – include the installation of acoustic steel housing in powder coated finish to hide the units.

Two nearby householders had complained about noise nuisance in their gardens. One said:

“These units are unsightly and the noise is ridiculous and so unfair. These units should have been placed on the commercial side of the mill not residential.”

Objectors also raised concerns that acoustic housing would not sufficiently alleviate noise and are out of keeping with the building.

But council planning officers approved the proposals, submitted by Pure Tech, subject to a number of conditions. These include prohibiting their usage between 5pm and 8.30am. They also said the units must not exceed 65dBA and the acoustic housing must be finished in a neutral, matt colour.

A council planning officer’s report approving the plans said the units produce a noise level equivalent to a refrigerator and added:

“Given this noise level, it is extremely unlikely that this would be heard indoors from any neighbouring property to cause an unacceptable level of disturbance.

“The unit would be located 5.788m away from the shared boundary, and housed within an acoustic frame to further reduce the impact of noise. The position, distances in place, specification and proposed acoustic housing, alongside the details set out within the noise report and recommendations suggested, are considered to be sufficient in preventing harmful noise and disturbance to residential properties.”

The plans – and planning officer’s decision – can be read in full here.


  1. These units are not in an acoustic frame and they are left on 24 hours day.Also they are a noise disturbance in my garden and home especially in the summer when windows and doors are open.They are not complying with the planning regulations.They did not tell the truth in there planning application.My Family feel seriously let down by Leeds city council.Obviously don’t care about the environment of Calverley residents.


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