Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeNewsBramley Shopping Centre: Flats plan approved

Bramley Shopping Centre: Flats plan approved

Fresh plans breathe new life into disused offices above Bramley Shopping Centre have been approved by Leeds City Council.

As reported in June, applicant Mr R Clair wants to turn the first, second and third floors of the landmark Viewpoint office block – also known as Bramley House – into 36 flats, with 19 parking spaces.

A report by planners said:

“It is considered that the proposals, whilst raising some concerns about the size and quality of some of the units, will bring a prominent building which has been vacant for some years back into use.”

The report adds that 19 spaces in the current car park will be reserved for residents. Most of the units are one bedroom flats or studio apartments. It says:

“On balance, the Highways and Minerals Officers are satisfied that the proposal is in a sustainable location and will not introduce or exacerbate demand for on-street parking or increased vehicle movements over that of the lawful office use, and that prospective residents are at risk from historic contamination of the site.”

Similar plans were originally approved by Leeds City Council for a different developer last March – but with the stipulation that work was carried out before 30 May 2016.






  1. Really pleased to see this building will be put to better use & will hopefully improve the level of security for shoppers and residents.
    It would be good to see that the young people who do gather there in the evening are equally given a good space to do what young people do, socialise.
    19 parking spaces allocated for residents is hard to imagine. Except at night. It is hardly big enough for current users. And only two for taxis. Last years rehaul really missed an opportunity to address this. Sue M.


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