Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomeEventsYorkshire battles and a Farsley in photos lined up for library lunchtime...

Yorkshire battles and a Farsley in photos lined up for library lunchtime talks

On the first Monday of every month (except Bank Holidays), Farsley Library holds a series of daytime talks called As it Was. These talks are on a variety of local interest topics, writes William Poulter.

Recent talks have been on the guide dogs of Leeds, where attendees learnt about breeding, puppy walking and professional training. They also had the opportunity to meet two dogs brought in by the speaker.

Another talk was given by Patrick Bourne, who is an Assistant Community Curator at Leeds Museums and Galleries. The talk was a pictorial tour around central Leeds in living memory, using the museum’s collections of photographs, postcards and objects.

This was a chance to reflect on how the city has changed from the 20th century to the 21st.

The next talk will be on Monday 1st April, and the subject is Yorkshire battles. Yorkshire has been the battleground for some of the bloodiest, treacherous and most vicious battles ever fought in Britain.

In this talk, librarian from Leeds Libraries’ Local and Family History department, Josh Flint, will explore the battles, sieges and naval battles that have been fought in Yorkshire from the 7th to the 20th-centuries and how these extraordinary events are represented in the Leeds Library Collection. There will also be an opportunity to browse items from the Yorkshire Battles Collection.

Future talks will be on subjects such as The Antiquarians of Leeds and Farsley in Photographs.

As it Was is on the first Monday of each month, in the meeting room at Farsley Library. The talks are at 12.30pm – 1.30pm. They are free to attend and no prior booking is necessary.

If you wish to be put on to a mailing list to updated about upcoming talks, or have any questions contact Assistant Communities Librarian, William Poulter at You can also telephone Farsley Library on 0113 378 1861 or speak to a member of staff on the counter.


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