We had a great start to the term for the opening night at Pudsey Friday Night Project with our local X-Factor star James Wilson paying us a visit, writes LAURA HOBMAN.

He brought his guitar and sang us a couple of songs followed by a question and answer session with the club members, who had some fantastic questions to ask, including; “What advice would you give to the young people of Pudsey?”.
James wanted to inspire the local young people of Pudsey to follow their dreams and not to worry about what other people think. This was followed by a photo and signing session.

James was a fantastic guest and some of the young people were clearly a little starstruck. We had over 80 young people accessing the venue over the night.
The Breeze Friday Night Project runs at Pudsey Leisure Centre, every Friday during term time:
Juniors 8 yrs – 12 yrs (in Year7* 6-7:30pm
Seniors 12 yrs (in Year 8) – 18 yrs* 7:30-9pm
*please note the new age groups, affective from September 2017.
For more information please visit the Breeze website or check us out on Facebook.