Every week West Leeds Dispatch features the latest planning applications across the area.
Here are the latest planning applications submitted to Leeds City Council submitted over the past seven days.
Armley Ward
- Change of Use from C3 (dwelling house) to C2 (residential institution)Â 68 Billingbauk Drive Bramley Leeds LS13 4RX
- Change of use of workshop and premises to martial arts academy (D2)Â Unit 12 Goldspot Business Centre Scotch Park Trading Estate Forge Lane Armley Leeds LS12 2PY
- Construction of 12No. dwellings and associated landscaping, services and new vehicular access Land Adj Heights House Heights Lane Armley Leeds LS12 3PN
- 4m single storey rear extension, 3.7m to ridge height and 2.45m to eaves 17 Armley Grange Avenue Armley Leeds LS12 3QN
- Conversion of basement to habitable rooms; enlargement of rear window to ground floor and lightwell to basement floor 79 Stanningley Road Leeds LS12 3NW
- Single storey vehicle storage unit Elder Road R/o 471 Stanningley Road Leeds LS13 4AP
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Three illuminated fascia signs and one illuminated projecting sign 2 Bramley Shopping Centre Town Street Bramley Leeds LS13 2ET
- Listed Building Application for Internal and external alterations including replacement windows and reinstatement of original window to rear elevation 12 Moorfields Bramley Leeds LS13 3JZ
- Three illuminated fascia signs 283 – 285 Town Street Bramley Leeds LS13 3JT
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Alterations including roof lights to front and side; dormer window to rear; hip to gable roof conversion 17 Hillfoot Drive Pudsey LS28 7QL
- Retrospective application for one non-illuminated fascia sign to shop front 31A Town Street Farsley Pudsey LS28 5EN
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to gable with dormer window to rear; single storey extension to rear 29 Glenholme Road Farsley Pudsey LS28 5BY
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension20 Carr Road Calverley Pudsey LS28 5RH
- Two storey side extension and driveway widened 6 Upper Carr Lane Calverley Pudsey LS28 5PL
- Part two storey part single storey rear extension and first floor balcony to rear 362 Bradford Road Stanningley Pudsey LS28 7TQ
- Four new industrial units and additional parking spaces for main Springfield site Unit 8A Springfield Commercial Centre Bagley Lane Farsley Pudsey LS28 5LY
Farnley & Wortley Ward
Creation of new exit to existing driveway, 57 Butt Lane Farnley Leeds LS12 5AY
Kirkstall Ward
No submissions.
Pudsey Ward
- Demoltion of existing garage; single storey side extension Corobane Clifton Road Pudsey LS28 7DZRef. No: 20/01736/FU | Status: Current
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension.17 Ravens Mount Pudsey LS28 9HT