Each week we publish a list of the latest planning applications related to the six council wards in West Leeds.
The following applications were published on the Leeds City Council website in the past seven days:
Armley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval of conditions 3 and 4 of Planning Application 24/00965/FU, 44 Musgrave View, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2QN.
- Removal of front bay window and erection of single storey extension; part two storey part first floor rear extension; single storey extension to rear of existing garage; rendering to all elevations, 8 Halliday Grove, Armley, Leeds LS12 3PD.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Tree works, Bramley Shopping Centre, Town Street, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2ET.
- Part two storey part single storey front/side extension, 16 Calverley Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3LR.
- Change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Two Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), Removal House, Town Street, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 6EZ.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3 and 4 to planning application 22/05555/FU, 52 Westover Road, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3PG.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Part retrospective application for part two, part single storey rear extension; new dormer window to rear and roof lights to front; amended windows to rear and front; installation of dropped kerb and driveway to front, 80 Daleside Road, Pudsey LS28 8HA.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable and dormer window to the rear, 30 Ederoyd Avenue, Pudsey LS28 7QY.
- Demolition of exisiting rear conservatory; erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension; alteration to front door, 9 Duckett Grove, Pudsey LS28 8EY.
- Change of Use and alteration of existing doctors surgery to eight apartments; new pitched roof dormers and roof lights; alterations to fenestration; changes to external stairs and ramp; erection of one further detached dwelling in the grounds to the rear; associated hard and soft landscaping works, Sunfield Medical Centre, Sunfield Place, Stanningley.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by condition 14 of Planning Application 20/00320/FU, Woodhall Sports Pavilion, Woodhall Playing Fields, Woodhall Lane, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 7TT.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Change of Use to residential childrens home
35 Ring Road Farnley Farnley Leeds LS12 5ASRef. No: 24/04071/FU | Validated: Mon 22 Jul 2024 | Status: Current
- Consent, agreement or approval of conditions 4 to planning application 18/04081/FUB W Skips Limited 263 Whitehall Road Lower Wortley Leeds LS12 6ER
Kirkstall Ward
- Two balconies, with glass balustrades to rear; demolition of existing balconies, 12 Woodhall Avenue, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3LH.
Pudsey Ward
- Dormer window to front, 20 Ravens Mount, Pudsey, LS28 9HT.
- Temporary change of use from domestic yard area to parking to adjacent office units, Land Adjacent To 8 Primrose Hill, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 6AB.
- Retrospective change of use of first and second floor from offices into two dwellings, 8 Church Lane, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 7BD.
Decided applications
Here are the planning applications decided by Leeds City Council this week:
Armley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by Conditions3, 4(B), 5 and 6 to Planning Application 22/03465/FU, Land Adjacent To Wesley Road, Armley, Leeds 12.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- None decoded.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Alterations including single storey rear extension; porch extension to front – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO 23/05930/FU – Alteration to porch roof style, 24 Hollin Park Drive, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5PN.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a dormer window to the rear and rooflights to the front, 44 Carr Hill Drive, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5QA.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable, dormer window to the rear and rooflight to the front, 12 Croft Avenue, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5HB.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a dormer window to the rear, rooflights to the front and an obscure glazed window to the side elevation, 7 Woodhall Park Mount, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 7HE.
- Removal of condition 14 (Restricted mezzanine use) from previously approved planning application 09/02109/FU (Change of use including single storey side extension and new entrance lobby of ballroom to restaurant and 3 flats) to remove the restriction on the use of the mezzanine to allow it to be used for dining, 58 Town Street, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5LD.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Alterations including demolition of existing car port; construction of two storey side extension with single storey infill extension; new rooflight to north elevation – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO 23/00942/FU – Changes to internal layout requiring amendments to number and size of proposed windows, 16 Lawns Avenue, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5RN.
- Retrospective change of use from a car showroom (Sui Generis) to a grocery shop (Class E(a) with provision for bicycle parking, 145 Oldfield Lane, Upper Wortley, Leeds LS12 4EX.
Kirkstall Ward
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for use of 1 private hire vehicle from home address, 235 Vesper Road, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3NA.
- Retrospective planning application for a single storey rear extension, 87 Kirkstall Hill, Burley, Leeds LS4 2TU.
Pudsey Ward
- Retrospective application for fencing and trellising to boundary, 72 Tyersal Crescent, Tyersal, Bradford BD4 8HA.
- Part single part two storey side and rear extension; Hip to gable loft conversion including roof lights and two pitched dormer windows to the front; Double dormer window to the rear including juliet balcony and french doors; Replacement of all windows and doors, new entrance door to the front and rendered finish to dwelling, 44 Greentop, Pudsey LS28 8JW.
- Dormer window to the rear, 13 Carlisle Road, Pudsey LS28 8PL.
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