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HomeNewsWest Leeds Good Eggs: Wortley flood helpers deserve our thanks

West Leeds Good Eggs: Wortley flood helpers deserve our thanks

Three people who went above and beyond when the Ring Road at Lower Wortley flooded yesterday have been labelled ‘Good Eggs’ and thanked for their efforts by a grateful resident.

Jordan Denny, 20, and Sophie Bradburn, 22, spent almost eight hours putting down sandbags to help contain the water after Wortley Beck broke its banks yesterday (Saturday) afternoon.

The dup spent until after 1am on Sunday morning alongside Josh Longford, from local company Dr Drainage, who had also given up his time to clear flood waters free of charge. The floods had threatened to rise into people’s homes around the Branch Road area.

WLD recently appealed for readers to nominate and publicly thank their ‘Good Eggs’ – selfless people who go the extra mile for others without recognition.

And local resident Christine had no hesitation in thanking all three of them for their hard work. She said:

“They didn’t have to do it, they’re just good people who put others first. Josh spent all evening and into the early hours clearing the drains on Branch Road/Ring Road to stop houses being flooded. He (and Jordan and Sophie) were giving sand bags to those houses in need. They gave up their own time to do this and I’ve heard Sophie closed her shop especially to help.

“Without them, homes would have been flooded. they all deserve people’s thanks.”

WLD featured yesterday’s flooding in Lower Wortley in this video here.

Your chance to say ‘thank you’ to someone for making a difference in West Leeds

‘Good Eggs’ don’t have to be a lifesaver – they could be someone who does the little (but important) things in life, like doing the shopping for an elderly neighbour who can’t get out.

Nominees could range from someone who picks up litter in the street, works tirelessly as part of a local community group, or volunteers their time to make a difference where they live without wanting anything in return. In fact, anything that shows generosity of spirit!

Nominating someone couldn’t be easier…

Simply drop us an e-mail – at – providing us with the name of the person you’d like to nominate and some reasons why you’d like to nominate them.

Please include your own telephone number so we can contact you.


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