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HomeNewsRodley Cricket Club prepares for post-lockdown restart

Rodley Cricket Club prepares for post-lockdown restart

With the return of international cricket and the continued easing of physical distancing rules, west Leeds cricket clubs have been making preparations to welcome matches and members back to their grounds.

Community reporter Jim Corah spoke to some of the clubs to see how they were coping with the return of cricket, what precautions they have put in place, and what they thought about the first international test cricket in recent months.

Steve Bradbury, chairman of Rodley Cricket Club, answered questions from the Canal Bank Sports Ground.

Do you know what your first matches will be?

At this stage we do not know any of our opponents at senior or junior level but we have been advised of the starting dates.

What facilities can members and spectators expect at the ground? Anything new for 2020?

The facilities are subject to risk assessments which will be reviewed regularly and particularly once we have hosted some fixtures and understand what works well and what doesn’t.

At this stage, changing rooms and showers will be out of action, as will the kitchen.

The bar will be open but will only sell to people for drinking externally. Queuing systems are in place for the bar and toilet facilities. There is nothing new other than the restrictions placed on our operations by the response to COVID. Getting senior, junior cricket up and running from a standing start whilst also re- opening the bar is proving very time consuming especially with just a team of volunteers.

How has training been?

Training has gone well across all age groups and seniors, however numbers are lower than usual. Further work is ongoing to try and address this.

Are you looking for new members and how/when can they get involved?

Numbers are down due to the virus, with a number both seniors and juniors/parents opting to isolate for longer. Whether they return to the sport is the major concern and this is the next area to focus our efforts. That said, we are always looking for new members.

The club can be contacted via Facebook, Twitter (@RodleyCricket), Instagram (rodleycc), e-mail ( or old-fashioned telephone (07876 790440).

Finally, did you enjoy the return of international Test cricket?

It would be nice to have had the time to watch the test match! Your question just prompted me to check the result. Disappointing!

Further reading: Pudsey Congs prepare to welcome cricket back to Britannia Ground.


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