Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsPudsey: New housing development plans submitted

Pudsey: New housing development plans submitted

Plan to build 28 family homes in a Pudsey field have been submitted.

Developers Johnston and Mowatt has submitted the plans, off Kent Road and Longfield Court, saying the development will deliver ‘much-needed’ family housing in the town. Access would be via Varley’s Yard.

They say the development will provide high-quality landscaping and add is a design statement:

“Detailed and careful consideration has been given to the proposals. The proposals create a development that not only respects the site and its surroundings but also provides a high quality and well considered place to live.”

WLD reported in November that Johnston and Mowatt had launched a consultation on the proposals, with a leaflet to residents near the site informing them of the proposals.

The plans can be viewed in full here.


  1. No No No,to this planning application.It is not about more social housing it is about profit with a total disregard for local residents who have voted against this and similar applications in the past stating the obvious drawbacks of turning the area into a rat run and short cut for drivers wanting to miss out the centre of Pudsey as well as putting extra stress on the residents parking.Once again No.

  2. I’m with the residents on this. There is far too much building in Pudsey. There is no thought for where people will park cars, how schools cope with the extra pupils and doctors also with more patients. The roads were not made for all this extra traffic.
    The council should try putting Pudsey residents before profit.

    • Not to mention water supply, gas and electricity supply and drainage. Non of the services can cope at the moment and this proposal won’t help. Charlie.

  3. I despair at some people. More Nimby-ism from Pudsey. Get the houses built, they’re needed. End of. That field’s not been used for anything for donkey’s years. Put it to some use for heaven’s sake.
    And before any of the Pudsey ‘elite’ start blabbing on about brown field sites, this site is earmarked in the council’s UDP as suitable for development. There aren’t that many brownfield sites available in inner city areas – and if you went to live in places like Hyde Park and Armley, you’d find those communities are arguably over-populated already and have their own problems with infrastructure. This site is ideal, off a main road quite capable of carrying extra traffic

  4. 28 family homes means an extra 50 cars + as most households have 2 cars Kent road junction can’t cope with a lot more cars , Pudsey infrastructure isn’t big enough to cope with more households unless there are going to be more schools built , Doctors,Dentists ,a larger play park, as Pudsey park is starting to get very busy , I’m not being negative , but come on Pudseys roads are a nightmare as it is !!


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