Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsPudsey: Have a say on proposals for new homes

Pudsey: Have a say on proposals for new homes

Pudsey residents are being invited to comment on proposals to build 28 family homes in the town.

Developers Johnston and Mowatt is consulting people over initial proposals, off Kent Road and Longfield Court, and this week delivered a leaflet to residents near the site informing them of the proposals.

The leaflet included an indicative plan of the site (reproduced above).

A full planning application of expected to be submitted to Leeds City Council shortly.

People can provide feedback on the plans here.


  1. Every few years people come back with this proposal.It has been refused on numerous occasions and for very valid points/parking/turning Longfield Road into a rat run and short cut out of Pudsey etc.Hopefully it will get refused once again.I would personally sign and assist in getting others to sign a petition and any other form of action to ensure this proposal is refused once and for all.

  2. This small field has been home to so much in the way of wildlife, we have seen a family of foxes living there, rabbits, bat’s, squirrels, several species of owls, indeed many birds nest there…. However, this company employed a tree management company to decimate their habitat last Monday, they arrived at half 7 in the morning and most of the mature trees where down by lunchtime, with most of the roots ground out the following day… 3 days later this proposal was posted through local letterboxes… Too late for any ‘tree huggers’ who may be unhappy about the nature that was swiftly and clinically ‘evicted’…!!
    The access to this site is extremely limited… Indeed a traditionally stone wall was taken down for the destruction of the trees, then quickly rebuilt. There are already traffic issues on Kent Road, with speeding, and there being 2 schools there, so at peak times parking is an ongoing problem. Indeed these schools and local services, such as GP surgeries are already under pressure.
    As the previous comment said, this application has been refused numerous times, but this is not a reason to be blasé about the additional pressures an estate of 28 3 and 4 bedroom houses on a small field will place on local infrastructure. This is an area full of small traditional, stone weavers cottages, this new estate will not be in keeping with the look or history of the local housing in the immediate vicinity.

  3. I live on Longfield Road & I haven’t had any letter about the proposal. I agree that Longfield Road will become a Rat run. Traffic is bad enough at times with driver’s speeding up & down the street regardless of the Speed Limit.

  4. I have never had any letter about this planning and I have lived on Longfield avenue for over 30 year now well done to leeds City council for destroying trees that owls nest in every year and sparrow hawk

  5. I agree with all the people who live near the Kent Rd.area
    who say it will destroy natural habitat and turn the local seets into a rat run. We are going to be in the same situation in the Owlcotes area where they are going to build on the field on Owlcotes road. This will cause more traffic up and down the streets nearby and onto the already very busy Galloway Lane where they have already built loads of new homes on there in the last year or so which has made it difficult at peak times.

  6. We have lived in Longfield Court for over 20 years and it has always been a quiet, peaceful residential area. We totally oppose the building of houses next to us, that would not only potentially overlook our property but would also damage conservation and wildlife in the area. We hope this planning development is rejected again and would be happy to sign a petition to support this.

  7. Those commenting above have not looked clearly at the plans. There is no vehicular access to the site from the Longfield area, only pedestrian access as there is now to the existing paths. The access road to the site will be up what is known as Varley’s Yard, off Kent Road, and the development proposed is a cul-de-sac. So any traffic issues will impact Kent Road, and the busy traffic lights onto Lowtown. The site plan is not as well-laid out as the ones that passed in 2007 (yes there was a previous set of plans passed, with a different mix of housing, but the same access up Varley’s Yard).
    Consideration will be needed for drainage management as the area of Kent Road where the access is, is already notorious for flooding, and replacing a field with hard surfacing and housing will increase the amount of water going into the public drains in bad weather.
    It is a great pity that the trees have been removed without care for the wildlife. The remaining trees on the Southern side of the site are subject to Tree Preservation Orders, which is why you can still see them showing on the proposed plans.


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