Detailed plans to extend a Stanningley street with new four-bedroom homes have been withdrawn by developers.
Applicants 4812 Development Ltd wanted planning permission from Leeds City Council to build a contemporary development of four terrace houses at Vickersdale Grove and had submitted detailed proposals, including design and access.
Developers said the new houses would effectively extend Vickersdale Grove and would be sited between Arthur Street, Back Bank Terrace and the recent Pavilion Close development.
But Leeds City Council’s design team raised concerns. In a report, they said: “There are fundamental issues to do with how the proposal presents a scheme which fails to respond in any way to its context. In terms of scale, massing, appearance, materials, composition, or space about dwellings and local distinctiveness. In addition, there are issues to do with lack of defensible space, dominance, loss of privacy, overlooking and security.”
The withdrawn plans can be viewed in full here. The developer could return with a new planning application.
In April 2022 Leeds City Council approved outline – in principle – permission for five dwellings on the site.
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