While the longer term future of this significant venue remains in the balance, Pudsey Civic Hall hosted the Health & Healing Festival (Harrogate) inaugural event of 2024. A two-day health, healing, wellbeing and holistic event over the weekend of 17/18 February. Ivor Hughes attended.
What exactly are such festivals? Regular attendees and other participants will already know far better than I. Nonetheless, here goes. This is what I saw on the day.
Any amount and variety of herbs, oils, minerals, other substances, cultures, psychics, art, literature, reflexology, tarot (and similar) readers and their practitioners – were combined at a supremely well polished and presented event. All there to offer numerous additions and alternatives to mainstream medicinal and lifestyle options.
Did I miss or misunderstand anything? Well, take a look at healthhealingfestivals.com and you’ll see that I’m not that far out.
On that Saturday
None – but none – of the many exhibitors with whom I spoke could have been any more accessible, enthusiastic, informative or helpful. Each and every stand I asked was entirely happy for me to take any pics I wished. An open book event.
I didn’t ask how many stands were there on the day. The ground floor was fully occupied. Sixty? The hall, and each stand, was also busy with visitors and prospective customers – demonstrating that this is clearly a well supported industry.
Opportunities for the undecided
In two minds? I must say that I wasn’t convinced on the day that any of the alternative lifestyle options on offer were for me. But I was on deadline. Spending a short while with a handful of exhibitors. With only one of maybe half a dozen tarot readers. I needed pics, not my body or soul fixing there and then.
Go to the next event and become informed better than me and in ways better than any other. Face to face. Then it’s up to you.
Next annual events – York Racecourse 21/22 April, Leeds John Charles Centre 20/21 July, Harrogate Showground 14/15 September, Beverley Racecourse 5/6 October.