by Noelle Williamson
Do you love pantomime? Would you secretly love to act, sing and dance? Or build and paint a set? Make costumes and props? Do hair and make-up?
Maybe you saw Snow White at Leeds West Academy in February? Maybe, when the final curtain fell, the lights came up, and you staggered out giggling into the February cold, you caught yourself thinking, ‘I would LOVE to do that!’?
Well, the good news is that next February, Bramley Parish Theatre Players will be back at LWA with Red Riding Hood. And they’re holding open auditions from 2pm till 5pm this coming Sunday, June 30, at Trinity Methodist Church, Bramley.
I went to last Sunday’s launch meeting at Trinity. I wasn’t sure what to expect, or if I’d know anyone, but it was great! There must have been fifty people in the hall when I got there, maybe twenty of them children and teens and, as I learnt later, active membership ranges from a few weeks old (Mum and seven-month baby bump were in Snow White!) to a veteran of more than seventy panto seasons. Wow.
To business: first, an introduction to Janice, the Safeguarding Officer. Then Linda, the writer, told us about her script. The main characters are, of course, Red Riding Hood herself, her grandma (Old Ma Hubbard), the Big Bad Wolf and the Woodcutter, but there are another nine main roles, and the show also needs an ensemble of nursery rhyme characters – and dancers of course!
Next, Dean, the director, talked casting policy – especially about flexibility on age and gender for several characters in order to achieve the best balance within the cast. Finally Emma, the musical director, described how she will be able to adjust songs if necessary, to suit singers’ age and vocal range.
Next, everyone over sixteen retired to the foyer to dunk biscuits and catch up. As a newcomer, I felt so welcome – and I did know someone after all – because panto attracts such friendly, creative people! Meanwhile, Dean taught the dancers a routine, then workshopped audition pieces with the kids before handing over to Emma, who ran through some songs with them.
When the adults’ turn came, there were plenty of copies of audition pieces to take home, and Emma took us through the songs for the roles we’d picked. (She also sent everyone audio tracks in the BPTP WhatsApp group so we can practise at home. The shared vision and attention to detail in this group is so impressive.)
Auditions for Little Red Riding Hood will be held tomorrw (Sunday, June 30) at Trinity Methodist Church, on Town Street, in Bramley. Rehearsals start in mid-September, for performances in late February, 2025.
If you or your child would like to be part of Little Red Riding Hood, please go to the Bramley Parish Theatre Players’ webpage at for Dean’s e-mail address. He can send you audition pieces and confirm details. Exciting!
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