Office plans withdrawn at eyesore West Leeds Sports and Social Club building

West Leeds sports and social club
Site: West Leeds Sports & Social Club, off Redshaw Road. Photo: Betty Longbottom, CC BY-SA 2.0

By John Baron

The future of a vandalised former social club building is still up in the air, after plans to transform it into offices were withdrawn.

West Leeds Sports and Social Club, on Redshaw Road, Armley, closed in 2019 and has been the subject of vandalism and fly tipping.

Fires have been lit outside the building. Photo: John Baron

Plans submitted by the club in January proposed to convert the building into offices, with a new metal sheet roof and re-cladding added. A new boundary fence was also proposed as part of the development.

The area around the building has problems with litter. Photo: John Baron

But the plans were officially withdrawn last week – and it’s unclear whether fresh proposals for the site will be submitted.

Fly-tipping and vandalism in the car park. Photo: John Baron

A year ago developers West Leeds Working Men’s Club withdrew plans to demolish the club and build ten houses in the area. The withdrawal followed concerns by the council over the loss of a building used by the community.

The club, off Redshaw Road, currently sits empty.

The plans can be viewed in full here.


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