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HomeNewsNew Farnley: Controversial housing plans recommended for approval

New Farnley: Controversial housing plans recommended for approval

Controversial proposals to build up to 130 houses on open fields in New Farnley could be approved in principle by Leeds councillors next week.

Redrow Homes and Park Lane Homes have applied for initial outline planning permission to build the houses on a triangle of empty fields off Whitehall Road and demolish two houses to provide access to the site.

There have been 194 individual letters of objection against the plans, as well as a 300-name petition which was circulated in the village.

Residents say the development would be based on so-called ‘PAS’ land which is protected from development until 2028, would add to existing problems with traffic congestion and a lack of local services which would make the estate unsustainable.

But councillors on the plans south and west panel are being recommended by council officers to approve the proposal in principle, with more detailed plans on the size of the houses to be submitted at a later date.

Final decision on the proposals would be delegated to the council’s chief planning officer, subject to a number of conditions.

Those conditions include 15% of the properties being affordable housing, a contribution of £30,000 towards the creation of a 20mph speed limit on neighbouring roads and the creation of public open space on the site.

In a report, planning officers conclude the proposals do not contravene existing relevant planning policies and add:

“Of significant weight, however, is the fact that the scheme will bring forward up to 130 new dwellings to include 15% affordable housing and the fact that the means of access is considered to be safe and without any significant detriment to the adjoining highway.

“It is also considered to be sufficiently accessible to local services and facilities in accordance with the Council’s Accessibility Standards such that it is on balance, considered to represent a sustainable development.”

Read the report in full below:

Whitehall Road housing plans by John Baron on Scribd

Councillors will make their decision at the south and west plans panel next Thursday, March 23, which starts at 1pm in the Civic Hall. They are due to visit the site at 10.25am that day.

The Dispatch reported on residents’ concerns over the proposals in January.

What do you think? Should the development go ahead? Have your say in the comments section below.


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