Hundreds of people have made a splash at Bramley Baths to see and hear people’s stories and memories of the Edwardian building.

Combining fantasy with reality, Mermaid Tales was an aquatic adventure based on memories borrowed from Bramley swimmers, translated into a walking, talking, dancing performance and exhibition that finished with a finale routine in the pool.
Visitors on Saturday were able to roam the building to reveal the compelling human stories at its heart, told through immersive, interactive multimedia art and performance.
The event threw a new light on the hidden and public spaces in this 110-year-old building.
It is the culmination event of The Bramley Memory Aquarium project, sharing a collection of stories about the generations of people who have enjoyed the Baths over the years.
Reaction in seven tweets:
1. Well done all!
Fabulous evening @bramleybaths Mermaid Tales. Well done all! @yorkslifeaqua #immersive #installation #family #arts
— Ann-Marie Keighley (@Anniekeighley) November 28, 2015
2. Magical aquatic world…
#mermaidtales @bramleybaths transported us from grim Nov rain to magical aquatic world and journey into the past
— Emily Zobel Marshall (@EmilyZMarshall) November 29, 2015
3. Performing mermaids
Mermaids ready to perform #syncro @bramleybaths @MemoryAquarium @YorksLifeAqua
— DianeLaw (@DianeLaw) November 28, 2015
4. Amazing night …
@bramleybaths @YorksLifeAqua amazing <3 #mermaidtales
— lou cunningham (@tallulahloulou) November 28, 2015
5. That was fun!
Well that was fun! Nice one @YorksLifeAqua and @bramleybaths
— NovAmber (@amber_rithalia) November 28, 2015
6. Award for arts in pools …
#mermaidtales Another fabulous @bramleybaths event. If there is an award for arts in swimming pools, surely out baths would win every time.
— Marie MIllward (@mariemillward) November 28, 2015
7. We met at the dance hall …
#mermaidtales Oral history revealed how many couples met when Bramley Pool was converted to a dance hall in winter
— Mark Robinson (@activeducator) November 28, 2015
What did you think of the event? Dis you meet at the Baths? Have your say in the comments below.