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Mass transit: New line will be ‘massive’ for West Leeds, says council leader

By John Baron

Leeds City Council’s leader has said the proposed new mass transit tram route between Leeds and Bradford could be a ‘massive’ boost to people living in West Leeds.

The comments from Councillor James Lewis (Labour) come as a consultation was launched today into phase one of the mass transit network, which aims to connect St James’ Hospital with south Leeds, with another line running between Bradford and Leeds city centres.

There are three potential routes for the line linking Leeds and Bradford, with proposed tram lines going via Stanningley and Armley, or via Laisterdyke, Pudsey and Wortley or via Laisterdyke, Pudsey and Armley.

Leeds Council leader – Labour’s Cllr James Lewis

“It is really big day for West Leeds to see the options for the tram between Leeds and Bradford,” Cllr Lewis told WLD.

“The important thing about tram is that it stops more frequently than a train. There are a lot more options for people to get on and off. It really will improve people’s options for transport.”t’s a real opportunity for communities to be better connected.”

Cllr Lewis highlighted the possibility of two of the proposed routes using parts of the former Pudsey railway, which was closed in the 1960s as a result of Dr Beeching infamous railway cuts.

He added: “West Leeds is a built up area and the roads are sometimes very congested so it’s good to see a number of different options using existing transport infrastructure.

“Particularly around the Pudsey area there’s the option of re-opening railway lines closed in the 1960s, and also looking at some of the options around running up some of the main roads as well.

“I’d urge everybody to take a look at the plans we are proposing. We know some of these won’t be easy to deliver and will be disruptive to businesses and communities, but the opportunity to have that fast and frequent service which is reliable and not at the mercy of bus companies to chop and change times is such a great one.

“Everybody on the route will be close to a stop – it’s a real opportunity but it’s really important that people take a look at what we’re proposing and feedback on what they think, or any problems they might see with the plans.”

The consultation, which runs until Monday, 30 September 2024, can be found here.

Cllr Lewis said he was aware some people might view the consultation with a weary sense of de ja vu after previous mass transit schemes – including supertram and New Generation Transport – both failed.

“This scheme is different,” he argued. “In the years since Supertram we have seen tremendous growth in Leeds. We have seen growth in the number travelling around, so that’s been really positive, and the jobs and opportunities have come – but we’ve also seen those constraints on our existing transport infrastructure building up.

“We now have a plan based on linking Leeds and Bradford together when previous schemes were just about linking Leeds city centre to some of the suburbs. The route will potentially open up new railway lines in the Pudsey area which were closed in the 1960s and bring better quality transport back to places like Pudsey, which isn’t particularly well connected by public transport.

“There is also a strong economic case which is deliverable and affordable. We need to see homes and jobs grown in Leeds and Bradford and that is a key thing about our proposal.

“It’s not about ‘here’s a bus route, let’s convert it into a tram’, it’s about linking together key cities in Leeds and Bradford, and looking at key institutions like St James’s Hospital which, if you live in the west of the city and you’re not on a couple of bus routes that run past it, it’s really difficult to get to.

“We’re looking at some of the employment opportunities, like the business park around the White Rose Centre, and linking to where new jobs might come. That’s the difference now compared to some of the previous mass transit schemes. And it’s potentially massive for West Leeds and beyond.”

WLD reported on the launch of the mass transit consultation here.

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  1. The Leeds to Bradford line just duplicates the existing heavy rail. Why not just add stations in Armley (x2), the Heights and Stanningley to complement Bramley and New Pudsey – along with others nearer Bradford?

  2. Stephen, you must be psychic.
    I just said exactly the same thing.
    It would save an absolute fortune just building simple stations along the existing route. They added Bramley station to the line cheaply and with very little disruption.

  3. Any plans for public transport to link Calverley to Farsley, Pudsey and Horsforth and to rail stations in Pudsey and/or Apperley Bridge?

    • Hi Jane, not mass transit plans at present in the first phase, although the government has provided £20m towards the Connecting West Leeds series of improvements on the outer ring road, which are currently being installed.

    • Totally clueless. Kirklees are just getting rid of the horse and trap. Arriva derchi are at best late! We have so many houses built in North kirklees and the best that the councillors here can offer is a new cycle lane. Bring a tram system through North Kirklees linking the lines between low moor and Dewsbury. This would link Bradford, Wakefield Huddersfield and Leeds., easing morning and evening congestion by the chain bar Jct 26 and Birstall Jct 27.

  4. Another waste of public money on consultation, finish the railway station at White Rose and build the station link for Leeds Bradford Airport before looking at other options.

  5. Who cares ,this will not happen any time soon,it’s another case of taking the piss!! And the labour council will continue to destroy Leeds,all the council are bothered is their gold plated pensions,and the community charge will go up to an exorbitant amount of money,makes me sick !!

  6. What about the half built station at the white rose centre??? All that money wasted it’s unbelievable. I want improvement like most people but please don’t waste money and in the meantime please please please fix our roads

  7. Another grand scheme like the 1990’s plan for a tram system. Time and successive government will tell.
    HS2 would be more useful to free up space on the ECML.


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