Back when Sarah Horsley was the licensee of The Fleece pub on Upper Wortley Road in 1834, she must have sold strong ale – either that, or this story is actually true, writes Mark Stevenson.
Just down the road from the Fleece was a well, possibly the Town Well as marked on the maps, and it was said to be haunted.

This was not your run-of-the-mill haunting as it was said that in 1890 John Stones, the assistant overseer of Wortley, saw the ghost of a mouse running around the well. Sarah’s strong ale? Or a ghostly mouse?

The Fleece is now called the Golden Fleece in honour of the charity work of Tom Martin, who was licensee from 1969 to 1979.
If you look closely at the pub you can see how it has been added to over the years and if you look around the back you can still see the sign for the original name of the pub.
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