Dear Editor, I also strongly object to this proposal to close Abbey House Museum and concur with much that has already been said on WLD‘s pages.
I have completed the official consultation feedback and signed to the onine petition.
I also wrote to my MP, who unfortunately just reiterated the original press release.
I do have concerns over the validity of some of the ‘facts’ that Leeds City Council have used in their misguided thinking.
So please allow me to add some further points.
- I have it on good authority that the museum actually realised a small operating profit in the last few years’ accounts. Even with the reduced visitor numbers.
- Using the council’s own visitor numbers, and with a conservative 50/50 split of adults and children’s entry fees, does indeed generate a profit. There is no need to invest significant monies on the venue. New toilets were only upgraded in the last couple of months. The permanent exhibitions and Victorian Street are the very things that do generate repeat visits and do not need any significant/costly changes. The museum already has a yearly rotation of displays in the temporary exhibition space to offer repeat visitors something fresh.
- Staff at the museum are not aware of the alleged visitor survey. I certainly visited several times in July ’24 and was never asked for my opinions.The conclusion that if visitors would not come again, therefore the venue MUST be closed is nonsensical. By that reasoning, all the miles of new cycle lanes around the region must also be removed, as nobody is using them.
- Using Trip Advisor and other independent, and less biased, public reviews does indeed rank both the Museum and Abbey ruins very highly.
- There is talk of LCC selling the unique number plate “U1”, which I’m sure will bring some significant income.
But why not also sell the Limousine fleets that were attached to said number plate(s). LCC members should practice what they preach and use active travel to attend their various duties. I would pay to see the Lord Mayor rock up on a cycle!
But in all sincerity, I do fear that the final decision to close the museum has already been made and that the outpouring of support from the public will simply be ignored.
So, residents of Leeds, please remember this betrayal at the next council elections.
- Kay Collins

Use number plate sale to fund museum
Dear Editor, As part of Leeds City Council’s massive budget cuts set to hit our city this year, next year, and the year after, one of the saddest and most impactful cuts to Leeds’ people, culture, and history is the sad proposal to close the Abbey House Museum opposite Kirkstall Abbey to save £160,000.
I recently visited the glorious Abbey House Museum in December after reading about the cuts, and saw what I believe to be one of the best museums in Yorkshire, gloriously decorated for the Christmas season.
I spoke with fellow visitors patronising the site, who loved the exhibits, classic toys, the climate and community area; in addition to the keystone centre piece of the museum, the full replica Victorian-era streetscene which shows how our country looked back in the
grand old rose-tinted days of the past.
I spoke to the wonderful and highly informed staff who were devastated about the proposals. They told me they hadn’t received even a prior Scarborough warning about LCC’s cuts before they were announced to the press and public.
While there is a public consultation being conducted right now where fellow West Yorkshire people can make their views heard about their dislike for this proposal; I have a counter-proposal to make at Leeds City Council to save the museum and fill their pockets.
The Leeds Lord Mayor’s unique U1 Licence Plate, the first one ever issued in Yorkshire dating from 1903 could under the hammer at auction to raise money for our council.
It is set to raise above £500,000 at auction. I wrote about how this should happen in the Yorkshire Post on 1 March 2024, as it is a good idea.
I say that of the funds raised from Leeds’ U1 Plate, especially as it’s set to raise half a million from lucky buyers, perhaps from a group of local Leeds businesses coming together to drum up the amount raised, that £160,000 from the sale MUST be ring fenced and used to replace and fund the cuts proposed to close Abbey House Museum.
This way, our wonderful city gets to see it’s treasured museum keep marching on to serve our community, while Leeds City Council gets to spend the remaining £340,000 to spend as they see fit. Perhaps on installing those new car parking sites they keep banging on about during council meetings.
In any case; Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall must stay open, it helps to serve west Yorkshire’s cultural offer, encouraging tourism, the staff put on events for schools and local community groups, and offers a good day out for families.
- Councillor Tyler Callum Wilson-Kerr
Aberford & District Parish Council
The council seems more keen to support the granting of more and more alcohol licences and outlets than it does to back our cultural experiences in this area.
I’m astonished Parish Councillor Tyler Callum Wilson-Kerr does not understand the difference between capital budgets and revenue budgets. As the hole in the Abbey House budget it a revenue issue the one off sale of a capital asset would only plug a hole for a short time, then something else would have to be sold. Currently I believe the City Museum and Art Gallery are free to enter, perhaps a small charge at these venues could be used to help support smaller museums and would be a more sustainable solution.
Sounds like you want the Abbey House museum to close.
I simply disagree and believe you are wrong, misinformed, or financially naiive.
The museum made a small profit last year, and the closure is short sighted as it will mean fewer people & tourists visiting Leeds, thus meaning even fewer monies available for both Kirkstall Abbey, the West Leeds community, and indeed the old men at LCC.
If you are a member of a community comitte, perhaps you Should Strike A More Positive Tone.
Am reminded of that awld sayin’ abaht people ‘uw know the Cost of Everything and The Value Of Nothing.