I’d like to complain about the idiots speeding around the roundabout at Town End in Bramley.
It’s every single day, day or night, but mainly at night. I’m sick of it. It’s been like this for a long time now, something needs doing about it.
Speed cameras on the roundabout would help 100%, idiots just speed around and around and around all the time, trying to go fast as possible.
At night it’s more frequent because there’s no-one to see them. Please install some speed cameras or something please, there have been many times when the bus stops around the area of the roundabout have been hit and destroyed because of the speeding cars losing control.
It’s a matter of time before someone dies from being hit standing at a bus stop or a pedestrian just walking down the street.
We need action to tackle this problem before it’s too late.
- Concerned local resident, Bramley
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I understand the frustration, especially when they speed down the A647 towards Leeds, with the exhaust sounds increased.