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HomeNewsLeeds local elections 2024: Farnley & Wortley candidates

Leeds local elections 2024: Farnley & Wortley candidates

Voters in Farnley & Wortley Ward will go to the polls on Thursday May 2, 2024 for the Leeds City Council elections. One councillor will be elected.

Voters are reminded that photo ID is needed to vote at polling stations. More details here.

Your West Leeds Dispatch has attempted to contact candidates asking them for a statement of up to 300 words and a head and shoulders photograph to help you decide who to vote for. Here are their responses…

Andrews, Peter: Liberal Democrats

2 Whingate Avenue, Armley, Leeds LS12 3RE.

Blackburn, David: Green Party

9 Cobden Grive, Farnley, Leeds LS12 5PA.

David Blackburn, Green Party. Photo: David Spereall

I am David Blackburn and have lived in the Farnley and Wortley area for the past 41 years and been the local councillor in this area for the past 26 years.

I am currently Green Group Leader on the Council and Deputy Chair of the Outer West Community Committee. I have represented the council on many bodies, both at local and national level one of which I have been English Chair for many years and was up until recently Chair of the UK & Ireland Steering Group, serving a term of 4 years.

Locally, while over the last 12 to 14 months I have been suffering with problems with my knee, for most of the time I have been very active in the community and as I now recover from my operation it is my intention to return to my more active self. In saying that I have in the last 12 months continued to do most surgeries, attended the meetings I must attend and carried on doing the casework. But I look forward to once again pounding the streets.

My priorities continue to be the people of Farnley & Wortley and looking after its local environment.

While local government funding may be poor, those resources need to be spent well and fairly and not wasted on self-indulgent projects.

The problem is that this is often not the case, where basic services such as parks and street cleaning are cut to the bone. Where front line staff who do the jobs, we as residents require are reduced and any suggestion that we reduce councillors’ allowances or special responsibility allowances are greeted with derision by our opponents. Well, we as Greens every year propose this reallocation of resources and also refuse to take the full amount of our allowances.

George, Daisy: Conservative Party

Address in Leeds.

Haigh, Kate: Labour and Co-operative Party

Address in Leeds.

Kate Haigh.

I am standing as a Labour and Cooperative candidate in Farnley and Wortley and hoping to complete the Labour team with Councillors Mark Sewards and Adrian McCluskey. Since they have been elected they have secured investment in all our parks including the new playground at Western Flatts Cliff Park. They have tackled parking issues, anti-social behaviour and fly tipping and I hope to be able to join them in their work.

I moved to Leeds after a career in IT for the Ministry of Defence where I was an active Trade Unionist and then 14 years as a Labour councillor. I can bring this experience to support residents in Farnley and Wortley and make sure that this community gets the support it deserves. 

If elected I will work in the council to protect children and families from the cost-of-living crisis. I am proud to support a party that pays the real living wage. We will replace the police officers lost to Tory cuts. 

I will back CCTV at The Playground, I support community use of the TV Harrison Ground and I will support the community groups and sports clubs who do such great work in Farnley and Wortley. I am keen to ensure that our young people get the opportunities they need to succeed, that we improve our green spaces and clear up our streets.

I have already spoken to many residents and been able to help out with issues and if elected I will continue to knock on doors and also to hold regular in person surgeries and be responsive to emails. Please support me in completing the Labour Team on 2 May.

Taylor, Finley: Social Democratic Party

Address in Leeds.



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