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HomeNewsLeeds election candidate profiles 2023: Bramley & Stanningley Ward

Leeds election candidate profiles 2023: Bramley & Stanningley Ward

Voters in Bramley & Stanningley Ward will go to the polls on Thursday May 4, 2023 for the Leeds City Council elections. Voters will be electing one councillor.

Voters are reminded that from this year photo ID is needed to vote at polling stations. More details here.

Your West Leeds Dispatch has written to candidates asking them for a statement of up to 300 words and a head and shoulders photograph to help you decide who to vote for. Here are their responses…

BEE, Elizabeth – Liberal Democrats

72 Waterloo Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2JF.

Elizabeth Bee

First and foremost we need united action by all political parties to secure a restoration of money cynically taken away from local government by the Conservative government over its past 12 years.

We need to shout from the rooftops that over that period around £3 billion pounds has been taken by central government from the Leeds City Council’s finances. The government knows that the public will blame their local councils when the cause is theirs. It is easy to publicise the poor priorities of the Labour controlled City Council, including the poor transport services, the dangerous reductions in adult care, and the lack of support for voluntary bodies in Bramley that do tremendous work on limited resources, but it is difficult to expand services when every year its budget has to be cut. 

Liberals believe that communities should be in control of their local area and economy. Bramley should have its own elected parish council, just as Wetherby, Morley and Alwoodley do. It would focus identity on our historic township, and would provide the means to raise limited cash for local initiatives. 

I opposed the imposition of an elected West Yorkshire Mayor on our democratic structure. It sets up conflict with other elected bodies and is an expensive luxury. Liberal Democrats believe that we should have a proper regional structure for the whole of Yorkshire with an elected assembly with powers to tax, and local councils running more local services. After all Yorkshire has a higher population than Scotland which has its own devolved parliament. There is no vision in either Labour or Conservative parties!

I believe it is important to live in the ward and share the life of the community. I have lived in Bramley for over 40 years. I hope you will be able to support me.

COOK, Adam – Conservative Party

Address in Leeds.

Adam Cook

Hello, my name is Adam Cook, I live in Bramley and Stanningley and the opportunity to stand for council in my home ward is a great honour.

I am a father of a young family and use the 508 bus regularly. The loss of this bus route and others is a disgrace, one of my principle aims in standing is to make public transport better, this includes reintroducing suspended bus services and holding the companies and the Mayor to account on this pressing issue.

I am passionate about our local area. I have seen, and know many of you have as well, the increase in anti-social behaviour. This must be a priority for council and if elected will be one of my driving aims, to make sure our streets are safe.

As the city of culture for this year, I believe that the fireworks should be returned to Bramley Park. It should not be the restricted to only them who have cars or can afford to go to private fireworks displays. I will fight to have celebrations back into our local area, including bringing the Christmas switch-on back. 

With this I also believe that Leeds needs more homes and if elected I will push for more affordable homes, built by a council company. We need to make sure these homes are safe to access and live unlike the Airedale Mills Development, which is a danger to any future residents. 

Going around the ward and talking to many of you, I know your desire to have a local councillor who is in your corner to improve our local area and Leeds. As your councillor I will be a year-round presence, making improvements, holding regular surgeries, and dealing with your issues. 

Feel free to contact me on

On 4 May, let start to make the change. Vote Adam Cook.

HINCHCLIFFE, Tom – Labour Party

Address in Leeds.

Tom Hinchcliffe.

I’m delighted to be standing to be the Labour councillor for Bramley & Stanningley. I grew up on a council estate in Leeds and have experienced the problems faced by local residents in our communities. If elected, I am committed to working with your Labour Councillors Kevin Ritchie and Caroline Gruen on:

  • Tackling anti-social behaviour: The rise in anti-social behaviour impacts all of us in Bramley, Stanningley and Rodley. It blights our streets and makes people’s lives a misery. That’s why I’m committed to arguing for more policing resources for our community in order to tackle these problems. I have already met with senior police officers from West Yorkshire Police to raise the conversations I’ve had with local residents and will tirelessly campaign for a safer future for us all.
  • Protecting our green spaces: Our three parks provide huge benefits for many residents’ physical and mental health. I will argue for proper investment to improve our parks  and keep them clean and safe for all who use them. 
  • Tackling illegal fly tipping: I will work with Leeds City Council’s Serious Environmental Crime Team to clean up our neighbourhood, alongside free collection of bulky waste. 
  • Supporting our youth services: Leeds’ outstanding youth and children’s services play an important role in our young peoples’ wellbeing. I will support Leeds Children’s Services and BARCA in their work. 
  • Making our roads safe: It’s vital that our roads are properly maintained so we all feel safe. We need more funding for repairs to Bramley roads, and I am committed to fighting for this. 

The work of dedicated community activists working across our community is what kept us going throughout the pandemic and this Conservative cost of living crisis. I hope you will put your faith in me to become one of your dedicated local representatives.

RILEY, Richard – Social Democratic Party (SDP)

Address in Leeds.

WHITTAKER, Keith – Green Party

6 Lilac Grove, Victoria Park Avenue, Leeds, LS5 3AG.

Achieving greater social justice is a key element to achieving a sustainable future and addressing these issues together has the potential to create jobs and improve lives. Areas that I believe to be of particular importance are: 

  • Addressing the affordability and quality of housing, including measures to support improved insulation particularly in these times of high energy prices 
  • Improving public transport services and reducing their cost 
  • improving provision of services including youth services locally as part of building neighbourhood resilience 

However, I recognize that local councils have limited resources and that people are increasingly disillusioned with both local and national politics. As such, I would also do my best to argue for a more participatory form of local democracy including citizens juries and will continue as a member of Extinction Rebellion to pressure the national government to a adopt a more truthful and participatory form of democracy. 

Having spent much of my working life in engineering, I now work with vulnerable adults in a care role. As a local resident I: 

  • Was part of the initiative to persuade Leeds City Council to declare a Climate Emergency 
  • Was active on the steering group during the setting up of Kirkstall Valley Farm 
  • Am a regular volunteer mechanic at Pedallers Arms (a venue helping people repair their cycles in Leeds city centre) 
  • Am Secretary of the local Green Party and have been actively supporting campaigns in other West Leeds Wards 

The Green Party is starting to make waves in South and West Leeds and offers an alternative for voters looking for a sustainable alternative to business as usual. 



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