Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsKirkstall residents urged to have say on Abbey Mills access road

Kirkstall residents urged to have say on Abbey Mills access road

The Kirkstall Village Community Association (KVCA) have posted a letter to residents of the Normans in Kirkstall about proposals to close either Norman Street or Norman Row, writes KVCA’s Jim Corah.

The proposals relate to the possible re-development of historic Abbey Mills, with Leeds City Council’s Highways Department producing a plan to alleviate traffic issues for the development.

The proposed plan includes building a new road for vehicle access within the Abbey Mills site and the closure of Norman Street or Norman Row at the junction of Abbey Road.

kvca letter

The KVCA are aware that many residents in the Normans will not be aware of the proposals and might miss the opportunity to share their views when the planning application is submitted.

Concerns highlighted in the KVCA letter include:

  • the safety of pedestrians
  • problems with access for emergency and refuse vehicles
  • Norman Street provides the only vehicle access to the Medical Centre, Kirkstall St Stephen’s Primary School, the Church Hall and Children’s Centre. All of which receive vans, minibuses and bulky deliveries
  • the difficulty of performing a three point turn in narrow streets where there are parked cars on either side of the road
  • if they are unable to turn around then residents would be obliged to reverse up the hill and straight out onto Morris Lane. A blind manoeuvre which involves pulling out onto a busy road with fast traffic and obstructed sightlines
  • nearby streets would be affected by the knock-on effect of drivers no longer being able to use the closed street as a rat run.

The proposals have not yet been adopted, though highlight the need for consultation between Leeds City Council, residents, and the Kirkstall Valley Development Trust in finding a practical solution.

The Mills are owned by Leeds City Council, which is keen to sell the buildings and land. A number of businesses have expressed an interest in developing Abbey Mills.

The KVCA are encouraging people to share their views on the proposal. Contact the KVCA at


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