Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsKirkstall Place: Major housing plans for derelict site submitted by developers

Kirkstall Place: Major housing plans for derelict site submitted by developers

Up to 263 homes could be built on the mostly derelict former Kirkstall District Centre site as part of wider plans to develop the area.

Developers Artisan today submitted its official detailed planning application to regenerate the site off Kirkstall Hill with a selection of 183 one and two bedroomed apartments and 80 terraced town houses with undercroft car parking.

The houses vary from two to four bedrooms and replicate the back-to-back terraced streets throughout Kirkstall and Burley.

Also planned for the development, which will be called Kirkstall Place, is flexible commercial floorspace which could be used as retail, professional services or offices.

kirkstall district centre
The former Kirkstall District Centre site from the air. Photo: Google

Submitting the application, Artisan say:

“The proposals will regenerate this derelict site which has been redundant for 15 years, significantly improving its physical appearance and adding to the overall regeneration of Kirkstall.

“The redevelopment of the site will provide a new residential-community in the heart of Kirkstall providing you pedestrian routes improving the connectivity and permeability to the surrounding areas of Kirkstall.”


Artisan say the design for the housing on the site is inspired by existing terraced housing in the area.

A design and access statement submitted with the plans says:

“By echoing the pre-existing grain of town/ terraced housing within Kirkstall we aim to offer a modern interpretation of Kirkstall’s traditional housing stock to sit in keeping with the existing housing densities observed along the Aire Valley.

“Our masterplan utilised a block form noted throughout the Kirkstall and surrounding areas, replicating the back to back terraced streets synonymous with Leeds.”

Artisan say they have worked hard to mitigate the steep incline on the site, which was one of the major issues they faced while designing their proposals. They add:

“…Terracing the building blocks from Commercial Road to Kirkstall Hill allows for the built form to step in one storey increments absorbing the steep topography of the site and creating the opportunity for a dynamic landscape solution; creating both public open green space around the block forms and private and semi-private gardens and courtyards within them.

“It also allows the allocated parking for the scheme to be under-crofted beneath the houses and courtyard gardens creating a pedestrian friendly streetscape with limited car activity and parking.”

Access and parking

Resident car parking will be provided within the undercroft and visitor parking will be provided at street level.

In total, 264 car parking spaces will be provided, with access via Beecroft Street. These will be split between
239 allocated under croft resident car parking spaces, and 25 on-street visitor parking spaces.

There will be a storage area located within the undercroft for 330 bicycles.


Plans submitted say the commercial area on the site offers: “a flexible range of uses at present including Class A1 (Retail); Class A2 (Professional Services); and Class B1a (Offices). The floorspace has been designed so that it can to let as a single unit or divided into separate units.”

The commercial proposals for the site are quite vague at present.

Who are Artisan?

Artisan is a property development and investment company with over 30 years of experience in leisure, office, retail, residential and industrial development. Artisan specialises in delivering mixed-use developments in urban brownfield regeneration sites throughout the UK.

The site was once subject of interest from supermarket giants Tesco, who wanted to build a supermarket there.

The plans can be viewed and commented upon here.


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