A socially conscious person with knowledge of governance and human resources is being sought to chair a Leeds-based housing organisation.
Unity Homes and Enterprise is recruiting a group chair and new board members onto its operation.
Unity Homes and Enterprise owns and manages 1,350 properties for tenants from all communities and ethnic backgrounds across Leeds, including in Armley and Pudsey.
In addition to its role as a landlord and provider of housing services, Unity helps people set up and run their own businesses, enter employment, and access training, education and volunteering opportunities.
The new group chair will take over from Shruti Bhargava, who steps down later this year after holding the post since 2015.
Whilst previous non-executive experience is not essential for the successful housing board members, they should have first-hand knowledge of either governance, human resources, legal operations or health and safety.
Cedric Boston, Unity Homes and Enterprise Chief Executive, said: “These roles offer fantastic opportunities to shape and support Unity Homes and Enterprise’s vital work and make a real difference to people’s lives.
“Our services are improving, we are attracting regional and national recognition for our work, and we are working with partners to develop creative solutions to problems in local communities.
“The Group Chair is a key position in our governance structure, helping to ensure Unity’s progress continues, the board fulfils its regulatory responsibilities, the organisation stays on course with its financial plans and we manage risks.
“The new housing board members will bring their own particular areas of expertise together with an unwavering commitment to succeed on behalf of the tenants whose needs we strive to meet.”
More details – including recruitment packs – are available on the Unity Homes and Enterprise website.
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