Thursday, December 12, 2024
HomeNewsGreen light for new social rent homes in Armley

Green light for new social rent homes in Armley

Plans for a combination of 28 social rent and shared ownership homes in Armley have been approved by Leeds City Council.

Developer 54North Homes has successfully applied for planning permission to build the properties on the site of a former church hall and vicarage off Wesley Road.

The development will be made up of two and three bedroom. 22 of the properties will be available for social rent, and the remaining six will be available for shared ownership. 38 parking spaces will be provided.

A council planning officer’s report says the development will lead to the heavy loss of trees on the site, with 16 replacement trees proposed on-site, the retention of some mature trees and an off-site site contribution of £51,000 will lead to the to planting of 34 heavy standard trees in Gotts Park, Armley.

The report concludes: “The proposal would have a positive impact on the character and significance of designated heritage assets.

“The proposal would deliver an appropriate mix of housing, off-site greenspace, biodiversity net gain and there are no highway or parking concerns. It will also deliver much-needed affordable housing in excess of policy requirements. This is given significant weight.

“Although the proposal would have a significant detrimental impact to trees due to the very high numbers of trees to be lost, some replacement planting is proposed both on and off-site, albeit below policy requirements.

“Although there will be harm in relation to loss of trees and in design terms, on balance the provision of affordable housing and compliance with all other material planning considerations are considered to outweigh these harms.”

Access to the new development will be off Wesley Road, opposite St Bartholomew’s Church. The church hall on the site burned down during a blaze earlier this year.

The plans can be viewed here.

WLD reported last month that council chiefs have authorised a £700,000 grant made up of commuted sums to go towards funding the project. Commuted sums is a funding stream managed by the council and is made up of contributions which have been paid by developers.

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