Drinkers left ‘gutted’ as popular Stanningley publicans announce departure

Halfway House, Stanningley. Photo: John Baron/westleedsdispatch

By John Baron

Regulars at a popular Stanningley pub have been left ‘gutted’ after its managers announced they were leaving.

Jemma and Chris have operated the Halfway House pub, off Leeds and Bradford Road, for the past 19 months and announced their departure via social media on Sunday.

Jemma posted: “It is with deepest regret to write this post. Unfortunately we will be closing our doors as of Monday, 19 June as myself and Chris will be leaving the pub. We are so so so grateful for everyone who has supported us the last 19 months that we have been in the pub. We have made plenty of people that we can call our friends and made fantastic memories.

“We cannot thank you all enough! Many thanks to all our staff that’s worked for us these last 19 months also. Even more grateful to Haydn, Mick, Amy, Zaneta, Pat, Karen, our amazing quiz master Chewy. You’ve all been absolutely amazing.

“Massive thank you also to FC Pudsey for the continued support on a Sunday afternoon after your football games. Massive thank you to Delph Valley Scooter Club for the continued support on a Thursday evenings and hosting your multi meets at ours!”

The couple promised to offer “amazing deals” from Friday, June 16 to Sunday, June 18 before closing the following day.

Regulars have reacted with disappointment to their departure.

“Oh no, that’s gutting,” said one punter. “Won’t be the same. Good luck on what ever you do next.”

“So sad to hear this. You and Chris are/were such good hosts and I hope you both stay in the hospitality business. Hope to still see you both around Pudsey/Bramley. Will miss you,” added another. 

It’s understood pub owners Stonegate hope to find new publicans to take over the running of the Halfway House.


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