Wednesday, January 15, 2025
HomeNewsCouncil refuses 'high-end boutique HMO' in Armley

Council refuses ‘high-end boutique HMO’ in Armley

Plans to transform a large home in Armley into a six-bedroom ‘high end boutique House in Multiple Occupation for professionals’ has been refused permission by Leeds City Council.

Halifax-based Northern Property Partners had hoped to transform the four-bedroom house in Barden Grove – but council planners say the proposals would be an ‘over-intensified use of the property’ and lead to noise and disturbance for neighbours.

The decision comes just a couple of months after plans to turn a family home in Conference Road, Armley, into a shared home were refused in what local residents hoped would be a landmark decision for the area.

A report refusing the application by senior planning officer says:

“The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would make a significant contribution, when considered cumulatively, to the existing high concentration of houses in multiple occupation and other similar forms of housing in this part of the City, to the existing housing imbalance within the area.

“This would cause harm to the character of the area; the loss of community cohesion; the loss of a family house; and an increase in the demand for on street parking contrary. As such the proposal would be contrary to the Council’s objectives to avoid high concentrations of houses in multiple occupation and to avoid the local housing and population imbalance and to achieve sustainable communities.”

hmo armley
Split: Brooklyn Place

Brooklyn Place plans

Another application for a nine-bedroom house of multiple occupation in Brooklyn Place has split opinion in the area.

The plans, submitted in August and still to be decided by the council have seven letters of support and six letters of objection.

Council highways officers have said the plans would be likely to increase car parking demand have said off-street car parking by providing a dropped kerb and an area of hard standing off Brooklyn Place.

The plans and comments can be viewed here.






  1. High end boutique property for professionals – in Barden Grove? No disrespect to the good people who live there but I guarantee there are zero doctors, barristers and professors living in that street now let alone in a house turned into sugar cube sized bedsits! Developers having a laugh at everyone by even suggesting such a thing. More likely to result in an influx of people with challenging issues involving drugs, alcohol and the police. Reminds me of an episode of the Simpson’s where Homer crashes on Barneys sofa! ‘This complex caters for upwardly mobile young professionals like me’ Barney says referring to his flat ‘belch!!’


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