Farsley Celtic has announced the start of a £15,000 crowdfunding appeal to support finances detrimentally affected by the COVID-19 crisis, writes Thomas Ritchie.

Like many sports clubs and businesses across the country, the lack of income over the last three months means the club has decided to launch a crowdfunding appeal ahead of the new season. CEO Joshua Greaves said:
“We know this has been a difficult time for many, so are asking those of you are able to, to donate what you can.
“We are looking to raise vital funds that will help across several areas of the club, particularly with acquiring additional PPE so that all players, coaches and staff are safe whilst on club duties, and also to enable us to purchase much-needed ground maintenance equipment.
“This is a great initiative that everyone can get involved in and contribute to in whatever way they can. I ask everyone associated with the club, their friends and families, as well as the local community and businesses to support us in ensuring we take the club forward safely and strongly as we emerge from lockdown.
“I would really like to see the whole of Farsley come together to help the club and by donating whatever possible to benefit all of our junior, academy and senior players and the overall success of the club.”
Your can donate here.
For those who donate, the club will:
- Enter you into a monthly draw during the season where you can win a bottle of Prosecco
- Give you the opportunity to win a photo with the Men’s or Women’s first-team squad signed by the respective manager
- Give you the opportunity to present a Man of the Match Award at a men’s first team game
- Invite you to an end of season ‘donators’ celebration
- Enter you into an end of season draw to win a voucher towards a meal-for-two at a local restaurant

Last week The Dispatch interviewed Josh Greaves on the club’s plans for the new season and work at the ground.