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HomeEventsHalloween: Scarecrows spook Calverley

Halloween: Scarecrows spook Calverley

It’s a sight that would spook even Worzel Gummidge if he visited Calverley this Hallowe’en.

Organisers Creative Calverley are holding a Hallowe’en-themed ‘Scareycrow’ event at the end of October.

It is believed to be the only one of its type in the country.

The decision to hold the event followed the cancellation of August’s annual village Scarecrow Festival due to a lack of entrants.

A statement on Creative Calverley’s Facebook group said:

“We knew that people were disappointed that the August Scarecrow Festival did not proceed and decided to hold a joint scarecrow/scareycrow event in October.

“Creative Calverley are proud that Calverley is the only village in the UK to hold a Hallowe’en themed scarecrow event and we hope that you can help to make this event bigger by getting involved.”

This event will run from the 24 October until the 31 October and the themes will be “Songs”, “Creative”, “Traditional” and finally “Halloween”.

There are also plans for a Calverley Hoptober Fest between October 23 and 25 featuring seasonal walks, a fancy dress meal and barn dance and more.

Check out Creative Calverley’s Facebook group for more.

A version of this article appears in issue 1 of the printed West Leeds Dispatch.


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