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HomeNewsBumper turn-out for Calverley Horticultural Society Show

Bumper turn-out for Calverley Horticultural Society Show

There was a bumper turn-out at the Calverley Horticultural Society Show in the Methodist Hall on Saturday, with nearly 400 entries, writes Anne Akers.

The show raised £66 for its chosen charity Rodley Nature Reserve, who brought their own display, including a cage of harvest mice.

Trophies were presented by Coun Andrew Carter, CHS Chair. Winners were:

The Edward and Sheila Garnett Trophy for the most points in the Show by a Calverley resident/allotment holder. Deborah Howard (pictured, top).

The J Aubrey Grimshaw Rose Bowl for the best individual exhibit in the Flowers and Vegetables Sections. Malcolm Tordoff

The A Dixon Trophy for the most points in Classes 1-59 for a person who has not previously won any trophy, medal etc. in these classes. Keith Hicks

The C.R.A.G. Rose Bowl for the most points in classes 32, 33, 42, 44 and 57 by a Calverley resident showing the greatest variety in garden flowers. Janet Hemingway

The Alf Parker Rose Bowl for the best Rose in Class 49. Frank Lodge

The Alan Saul Memorial Trophy for the best Gladioli in Class 50. Pat Kelly

The Councillor Wylde Cup for the most points in the Flower Section Classes 31-59, excluding Class 56. Deborah Howard

The Dr N Hughes Cup for the most points in the Vegetable Section – Classes 1-27. Malcolm Tordoff

 The National Vegetable Society’s Medal for the best exhibit in Classes 1-27. Malcolm Tordoff

 The Bannister Trophy – Calverley Allotment Champion, for best Trug in Class 14. Nathan Crossley

The Scott Trophy for the most points in Classes 60-74. Kirstie Marjoram

The Gibson Wells Trophy for the outstanding exhibit in Classes 85-90. Janice Wedgwood

The Paine Trophy for the best exhibit in Classess 103-105. Janet Sladdin

The Harper Trophy for the best exhibit in Classes 91-93. Gill Evans

The President’s Junior Cup for the best exhibit in Classes 95-100 (except 97 & 98) Lucas Howard-Walker.


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