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HomeNewsBramley & Stanningley Ward: Leeds City Council elections 2018 candidate statements

Bramley & Stanningley Ward: Leeds City Council elections 2018 candidate statements

Voters in Bramley and Stanningley Ward will go to the polls on Thursday May 3, 2018 Leeds City Council elections. As this is an ‘all out’ election, each voter will have three votes to cast.

Find your nearest polling station here.

Your West Leeds Dispatch has written to each candidate asking them for a statement of up to 250 words and a head and shoulders photograph to help you decide who to vote for. Here are their responses …

Elizabeth Bee, Liberal Democrats

Waterloo Lodge, 72 Waterloo Lane, Leeds, LS13 2JF

elizabeth bee bramley ward
Elizabeth Bee

Liberalism is crucial to the future of our society, locally and nationally.

Liberals and Liberal Democrats are the only MPs and candidates who have been consistent on key issues, whether on opposing the invasion of Iraq and, now, supporting a united Europe that includes the UK.

These national issues are important to show the good judgement of the party on vital issues.

Indeed it is necessary to oppose Brexit locally as Leeds and the Yorkshire region would be amongst the hardest hit areas if Brexit ever happened. Why vote for the parties that get it wrong when you can vote for the party that gets it right?

Liberal Democrats understand the importance of the local community and the need to strengthen the identity of Bramley and Stanningley as an age-old township rather than just a suburb of Leeds. Transport is a scandal in our area.

Why is the centre of Bramley outside the area for the basic bus fare, thus making us pay more than other similar communities to go into town? The frequent traffic jams leading to Kirkstall junction point to the urgent need for another river crossing.

I am employed in a charitable organisation assisting in the adoption of children and I am local – having lived in Waterloo Lane for over thirty-five years. I have also been active in Liberalism for over thirty years.

This year you have three votes – make sure one of them goes to the Liberal Democrat.

Ovidiu Caprariu, Conservative Party

2 Warrels Avenue, Leeds, LS13 3NZ

ovidiu caprariu bramley
Ovidiu Caprariu

I am 38 years old, married, 3 children

AREA OF EXPERTIZE: Data Analysis, Performance Management, Project Management

PERSONAL SKILLS: Excellent organisational skills, Time Management, Team spirit, Empathy

Leeds – Technology Coordinator, Data Science, 2017-2018
Romania – Performance & Credit Analyst, 2009 – 2016

Here are some examples of the projects I have in my mind for Bramley & Stanningley Ward:

1. Reduce the street waste, especially from low visibility alley trash.

2. Partnership with educational institutions: education institution launches annual program, companies enrol in the program with a number of seats available for internships practice for pupils / students according to their training objectives in the medium and long term.

3. Implementation concept of mass sport – Partnerships between NGOs, sports clubs, hospitals, Hall and Schools for Healthy Living: sporting + healthy lifestyle.

4. High standards in education: Support the free tutoring to children from disadvantaged families – after school; development of a local parenting: Partnerships between church hall and schools to increase the quality families – seminars on marriage and raising children

Caroline Gruen, Labour Party

474 Shadwell Lane, Leeds LS17 8BA

caroline gruen bramley ward
Caroline Gruen

I have had the pleasure of serving as a local councillor for Bramley for six years and am honoured to have been chosen by the Bramley Labour Party again this year to be one of the three Labour candidates standing in the local elections on May 3rd.

It has been a real privilege to get to know and help many people in Bramley through Surgeries, Community Groups and Forums. I work actively on the Boards of Bramley Elderly Action, Bramley Baths, Hollybush Primary School and Leeds West Academy, all of which are making a real difference to the area. Through this work, most recently, I have helped to establish Bramley Lawn and Bramley Community Centre as community run services, once under threat of closure, and now still open for everyone to enjoy.

My background is in education and I am passionate about getting the best deal for children and young people in Bramley.

I recently organised a very successful event for local children in the area to ask them what kind of activities they would like the Council to provide, and we are now turning their ideas into reality.

I believe that children and young people are our future and will always fight their corner for the best possible education, a chance to get a good job, to have their voices heard and have plenty of interesting things to do in the area.

I will continue to oppose this Tory Government’s unfair cuts and fight for a fair share of funding for Bramley, such as the recent investment in a new community hub, improvements to Bramley and Rodley Parks, more affordable homes at Cardigan Green and Broadleas and road traffic schemes.

Please vote for me on May 3rd and along with my Bramley Labour Ward colleagues Kevin Ritchie and Julie Heselwood,

I pledge to continue to;
Increase affordable housing,
Tackle antisocial behaviour,
Improve parks, green spaces and the environment,
Support local community groups and events,
Listen to you and help to resolve your issues at surgeries, meetings and out and about in Bramley.

Jools Heselwood, Labour Party

22 Wynford Terrace, Leeds LS16 6HY

I am proud to have represented Bramley and Stanningley for the last 3 years as a Labour Councillor.

I, along with my Labour colleagues Kevin Ritchie and Caroline Gruen, have had the opportunity to work with some fantastic Bramley people and community groups to ensure local services such as the community centre and library have remained open.

We have worked hard to establish the Community Hub, to build new council houses and make environmental improvements.

I am a lifelong trade unionist and during the last three years I have worked on Employment and Skills within the area, setting up a jobs club at the Hub, working to deliver a local Apprenticeship Fair for children and adults and securing European funding to help unemployed people back into employment.

If re-elected I will continue to work hard to deliver these priorities, working with local businesses to deliver local jobs and investment into our community.

I am proud to work on women’s issues within the Council, and recently helped deliver events for International Women’s Day and to celebrate the centenary of the first women getting the vote, 100 years ago.

It is an honour to have been selected by Bramley Labour Party to stand for election on May 3rd.

Please use your three votes for Labour and vote for all three of us , and if re-elected I will continue to work hard and oppose the Tory government cuts that continue to affect local communities, and deliver improvements to make Bramley and Stanningley a great place to live!

Neil Hunt, Conservative Party

Wellroyd Lodge, Knott Lane, Leeds LS19 6JW

No Submission.

Clive Lord, Green Party

1 Lilac Grove, Victoria Park Avenue, Leeds LS5 3AG

clive lord bramley
Clive Lord

Some will be thinking “Wouldn’t anything other than Labour be a wasted vote in Bramley & Stanningley?”

Certainly not! Every Green vote puts pressure on the council to listen to us. In Leeds we already have three councillors, but they have always been outvoted.

However in Kirklees, where we also have had Green councillors for many years there was a period where no party had overall control, so the administration had to implement several green proposals. As a result, there are solar panels on many council houses and public buildings, and loft insulation on many others. This not only saves on bills, but keeps the ‘ecological footprint’ down.

But even where the result seems not to be in doubt, your vote is carefully watched by all parties at a national level. The Green Party was founded on the principle that we must not exceed what the ecosphere (that’s the space where all life exists) can cope with. Climate change is the biggest, but not the only threat.

To make sure a sustainable society was fair to all, the Green Party adopted the Citizens’ Basic income long before anyone else.

I joined the Green Party in 1973 at a formative stage. I have two adult sons and four grandchildren. Widowed 12 years ago, I moved from Batley to Leeds 8 years ago lo live with my present partner. We now live in Lilac, a co-housing community on the site of the former Wyther Park School on Victoria Park Avenue.

Anne Murgatroyd, The For Britain Movement

21 Summerfield Gardens, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 1AS

Anne murgatroyd Bramley ward
Anne Murgatroyd

I’m Anne Murgatroyd, standing in Bramley & Stanningley for the fifth time – this time for a new party, The For Britain Movement. We will confront the challenges we face with more honesty and more courage than UKIP ever could.

We believe that it’s obvious, rather than controversial, that a country should put its own wellbeing and its own people first. It follows from this that a city like Leeds should do the same. We believe that we have built over centuries a democracy, a culture, a nation that we have a right to be proud of, and that we should ensure the rights and freedoms we have enjoyed should be preserved, protected and passed on to our grandchildren.

You can read more about our new party at

I’d be honoured to represent the people of Bramley, Stanningley and Rodley, where I’ve lived for 35 years. I’d work hard to resolve problems and maintain and improve our environment and facilities. For Britain councillors would have no party whip and would vote bearing in mind the wishes of our ward residents and the principles of our party.

We have no political history and would enter the Council with fresh eyes on behalf of every local council tax payer. We would oppose waste and extravagance and do our best to represent the common sense priorities of the people who elected us – ordinary, decent people who want the best for our country and our great city.

We’re on your side.


Alexander Nancolas, Conservative Party

6 Springfield Grange, Pudsey, LS28 5FU

No submission.

Kevin Ritchie, Labour Party

19 Moorland View, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 1PU

kevin ritchie bramley
Kevin Ritchie

It has been a real privilege to represent Bramley & Stanningley Ward for the last 4 years, the place in which I have grown up and continue to live.

Since my election in 2014 I’ve worked hard supporting hundreds of residents on a wide range of issues, exploring every possible avenue and working creatively to secure best outcomes in all cases.

Living in Bramley means I am out and about every day proactively tackling the issues that matter to people: dealing with littering and fly tipping, reporting road and pavement defects and ensuring our parks & green spaces are well maintained.

We now have a more responsive environmental team, improved parks and an effective partnership working with the Neighbourhood Police team to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour swiftly.

I have worked and supported community groups across the ward, working with fantastic volunteers who do so much to benefit the community.

I am passionate about Bramley and have fought hard for extra resources and for better services to be delivered in the area.
Working with my ward colleagues Cllr’s Gruen & Heselwood we have fought hard to prevent the closure of Bramley Library.

There’s still more to do to make Bramley & Stanningley Ward the best place to live for all residents young and old.

I will continue to hold regular surgeries

Seek funding to improve Stanningley Park

Safeguard funding for local community groups, clubs & events

Work with the police to tackle crime & anti-social behaviour

Thank you for your support.


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