Community-led Bramley Baths is inviting applications for a new Chief Executive to lead the West Leeds-based leisure facility into the future.
Current CEO Sue Stones is leaving her role at the Baths, which is led by a community board who took over the running of the facility from Leeds City Council in 2013.

The change comes at an exciting time for Bramley Baths, which is looking to build on a recent £500,000 investment which saw an eco-hub installed at the Grade II Listed building, alongside new pipework, boilers and filters.
Chair of trustees John Battle said:
“We’d like to thank Sue for all her hard work. She’s successfully overseen the installation of our new eco-hub and helped provide a solid platform for us to move onto our next phase of preserving our beautiful Edwardian facility.
“These are exciting times for Bramley Baths as we seek to invest in the fabric of our building. As a business we are operating at a healthy surplus and now employ 41 people, which is testament to the hard work of staff and the incredible support of Bramley residents.”
Outgoing CEO Sue Stones said the Baths was in a great position to continue to flourish in the future. She added:
“I’m really sorry to be leaving Bramley Baths as I’ve enjoyed my time working here. I consider myself lucky to have worked with such an amazing and inspiring team. I know the Baths will continue to go from strength to strength.”
Ms Stones is taking up a new role at Leeds University Union as Deputy Chief Executive.
The Baths is now advertising for her successor.
Meanwhile, the Baths were targeted by burglars at 4am on Friday morning. The burglars gained entry via an upstairs window and took a laptop computer.
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