Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsWortley: New shop plans at Five Lane Ends submitted

Wortley: New shop plans at Five Lane Ends submitted

Fresh plans to open a shop off the busy Five Lane Ends roundabout have been submitted to Leeds City Council to decide.

Applicant Loghman Ahmadi wants to open the shop Oldfield Lane, off the Five Lanes roundabout.

Plans to convert the building – which has been previously used as a restaurant and car sales showroom – into a grocery store were refused by council planners in July amid concerns over parking and highways safety.

A highways statement submitted with the new application stated: “The site is located in a highly sustainable area with neighbourhoods within the immediate vicinity and therefore it is expected that the majority of trips to the shop will be on foot or cycle.

“The loss of one expected parking space would not have a severe impact and would not of a severe impact on road safety.”

The plans can be viewed in full here.

The council’s licensing sub committee granted Mr Ahmadi permission to sell alcohol at the proposed store in June.


  1. “…the majority of trips to the shop will be on foot or cycle”.
    If the council planners go along with that then they obviously live in a different world to the rest of us. People won’t walk anywhere these days, you only have to witness customers of any local store to see all the cars abandoned outside whilst people nip in for their essential alcohol supplies.

    • And the chaos outside schools. See that Lower Wortley school fully occupies the Matalan car park 8:20 to 9:10. People will just not walk and will travel by car even if it’s just 100 yards.

  2. Just what the area needs another off licence. And at one of the worst junctions what could possibly go wrong. Sick of shops like this town street full of them and attracts trouble. I remember a certain councillor promising to end this. Guess there too busy in Westminster now

    • Rachel Reeves is an MP, not a councillor. This is a council decision, and nothing to do with an MP’s role. An MP’s role is: to vote on new laws and policies; raise constituents’ concerns with ministers; debate issues; and ask questions. They have no control over what the council do.

  3. It states on the application that no work as been carried out on the premises. That’s a lie. It’s fully fitted out. Also cycle racks have been added. We saw on video the owner or employees breaking a bollard in front on the premises to enable parking. It should be rejected solely on the access to five lanes roundabout . I’ll be objecting again. Don’t they listen.

  4. I Agree Five lanes roundabout is difficult to navigate from any direction at any time
    A shop on that corner would simply be an additional hazard..
    People will park as close to the shop as possible particularly in bad weather and at school times when roads are very busy and space at a premium..

    • Another good point, this is so close to a primary school that any extra distraction for drivers (having to watch 5 lanes of traffic) will result in more accidents. If we can all see this is a non-starter then why can’t the council officers?

  5. I wish to formally express my strong objection, along with that of many others in our community, to the proposed development plan at 5 Lanes, Wortley. This proposal is fundamentally inappropriate and raises significant safety concerns due to its proximity to an already extremely busy and accident-prone roundabout.

    The roundabout in question has a well-documented history of traffic accidents and congestion issues. Introducing additional traffic from this proposed new development will exacerbate these problems, posing a heightened risk to both motorists and pedestrians. The safety of our community should be the paramount consideration, and this plan clearly jeopardises that principle.

    I would urge the Council planners to reconsider this proposal and explore alternative locations that do not compromise public safety. The current plan is not only impractical but also potentially hazardous, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure the well-being of our community members.

  6. This is a notoriously bad roundabout, mainly because of peoples driving habits. We regularly vehicles parked on double yellow lines and pedestrian zig-zags at another roundabout nearby. So we can expect the same behavior here with a shop, there is no traffic enforcement anymore so it is just a fatality waiting to happen


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