Work on a new playground at Western Flatts Park in Wortley is making good progress, campaigners have said.
Western Flatts Cliff Park has been waiting a long time for new and improved playground facilities and it looks like the end is now in sight with the playpark due to be completed within the next month.
The Friends of Western Flatts Cliff Park group provided an update on Facebook: “There’s been good progress from the team over the past month, with foundations and metal framework going in for the new tyre swing and zip line, installation of one of our two new carousels, pathway curb stones for all new paths and the new toddler area gates added.
“Landscaping work has also started to remove a lot of the excess soil, although progress on this to date has been hampered due to the wet weather.
“Our understanding from LCC is that the build is still on track for completion by 20 May. Should this change, we’ll be sure to let you know, but if all goes to plan – we’re now less than a month away!”
The next few weeks should see all final build work complete ready for public opening. This includes:
- Tarmac paths
- Adding the rubber play surface to each equipment area
- Adding fences around the toddler area
- Installing the remaining play equipment
- Installing the picnic table, benches, signage and bin
- Adding the painted games to the toddler area
- Landscaping and clean-up
- Site sign-off and security fences coming down
The work has been funded through Section 106 money secured from the developers on new houses built on the former Wortley High School site.
As reported by WLD, a petition was signed by over 1,000 people back in 2021. Further campaigning from the Friends of Western Flatts Cliff Park group was followed by a public consultation asking the local community to choose between two sites at the top and bottom of the park.
The results came in and 564 people chose location two at the top of the park, while 303 chose location one at the bottom of the park.
Get involved with the Friends
The Friends of Western Flatts Cliff Park are holding their AGM at the Hanover Arms on Thursday 25 April, 7pm. All welcome to attend.
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